Move over Sass, we have #CSS variables! I still love Sass of course. But it’s great native CSS supports this. No need for a preprocessor & no...
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Can I just add that if you use calc (or nested calc) and JavaScript update vars and CSS vars you can have it so one js update of a variable changes a lot of logic which can all be handled in the CSS. It's a very powerful workflow. In fact so much so I am writing a language like tailwind just for this workflow.
that's super cool! ...btw, do you mind explaining nested
? 🙂Sure, it's not widely known or atleast it wasn't usefull to nest calc function given that before variables, values where essentially hard coded.
Okay this is a terrible example but it does illustrate how CSS can become config based and calc can do most of the work.
Oh cool!!! That’s super neat...I got to read this a few more time to understand it 😅...thanks so much for explaining it! Love learning new things ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Your not the only one, I found this out recently, didn't know calc was nestable, your most welcome.
Can you explain what the code snippet does, please. Or can you direct me to some articles in which it is elaborated your topic please.
I wasn't sure what specifically you wanted to know but, AFAIK, there are no specific posts on the topic, I may have one (I have hundreds of posts so it might take some time to find).
What does it do? its a simple implementation of a 12 column grid layout normally calculated via a pre-processor, what it does is not so important, how it does it is whats interesting here.
The short story is:
CSS is calculated by the browser, you might consider this "run-time" for css, at this point a few things are possible, bellow is a broken down list of the things I have use and what they do:
vw units:
100 vw
is the full viewport width as computed pixels, it is not 100% of the parent container.css variables:
--some-variable: red;
stores a value,var(--some-variable)
computes the valuecalc(): runtime maths such as
calc(100% + 20px)
which is cool, but you can also just add or subtract numbers and make calculations normally computed in css pre-processorsOh yes and lastly, I nested a calc() inside another calc to achieve complex maths
Thank you for the reply.
But I was implying explanation of your nested calc function. It would be great if you could elaborate on that one as well please, if you don't mind of course.
CSS calc 'calculate' is built into CSS and can be nested, the full documention can be found above.
However nesting refers to the fact that calc exaluates to a unit so then
calc(calc(2px + 4px) + 4px)
10 pixels
But this is particularly useful for complex math with variables because variables can change in media query and stateful circumstances (:hover, :focus etc)
Thank you so much! I've always been a CSS advocate but since I discovered Sass and its variables and functions, I tend to neglect CSS... So, I'm excited to get back in tiny projects without preprocessor and, as you said, with JS in the party, it's going to get crazy 💯
I was that way for a long time, Sass become a must have for all my projects and I just bared with the burden of installing it even on the small apps 😓. No more! Now i can go native all the way. Very nice for sure! thumbs up to the CSS folks 👍
That feeling when you are developer for many years, though mostly not front-end, but doing UI chores for work or in own side-projects... And then suddenly learns such great news by lazily reading topics on DEV.
Thank you, Samantha! God bless your efforts on sharing such things to us, lazy people! :)
lol, awesome! so glad you found it helpful! 😆
for an even lazier experience, feel free to check out my twitter account. and you can skip reading the code notes completely 😆
I'll even include the link to make things easier 😂 twitter.com/samantha_ming
As far as I remember syntax in the following example is invalid:
We can not build up values in CSS the way it depicted in the example above,
we should always combine it with the
, like this:Great catch!!!! Let me fix that, thank you!!!! 💪
Thanks, Samantha!
I'm totally on board with CSS variables! I've got CodePens where I worked out responsive typography, spacers, and containers using global and scoped variables plu with
. Even took it further with HSL colors and abstracting the separate values to local variables for button colors. You can't do the same kind of color edits in CSS with variables as you can with SCSS ie:darken($color, 10%)
but I've found I'm not missing SCSS variables for color, just organizing differently.OH that's super cool! If you don't mind, can you send me the link to it? Would love to see how you organize your code with css variables 😄
Sure! Layout Overlay with Container & Grid Modifiers codepen.io/azzcatdesign/pen/PoovWmp; Type Variables: Responsive Scale Ratios codepen.io/azzcatdesign/pen/yLLWgbq; Spacing Variables (Fibonacci) codepen.io/azzcatdesign/pen/YzzbNQ...; and HSL Custom Properties for States codepen.io/azzcatdesign/pen/WNNBRj...
This is fantastic! Thanks for sharing! Let me add this to my code notes 👏
Yess CSS variables ftw. It's time to slowly get rid of scss. Other then nesting and some mixins it doesn't add a bunch of value now since css gets more of these features out of the box.
Some neat things you can do with css variables is easily control font sizes, spacings, colors on different viewports/pages. You could even do dark mode really easily by changing some css variables.
Dark mode is a huge beneficiary of CSS variable! let me add your input to my code notes! thanks for sharing 👏
css vars are awesome. Here's some cool things i've been using them for.
Flexible container widths without having to overwrite the rule:
Font styles management:
and declarative simple animations:
fun stuff!
Thanks for sharing this @dillonheadley . Awesome work! It's always so helpful to see how people implement the tech in their own project. Let me link this in the code notes 👏
For sure! 👍🏼 Love your posts btw!
Here's one more to manage buttons with vars: codepen.io/dillonbheadley/pen/PoqWqxq
Your way of explaining things are funny and awesome.
Hahaha thanks! Finally someone actually said it’s funny! I failed as a stand up comic, so I’m practicing my routine in programming articles lol 😂
Such an amazing well written article @Samantha Ming! I 💕 your images and use of emoji is 👌.
Sadly I am in a company with crazy high IE usage. I get reports on occasion that things are broken.... Looks fine to me. $H!1! I forgot to double check IE, then am amazed at what seemingly simple things IE is missing.
Thank you for the kind words, glad you it helpful 😊
IE support 😖
@jhildenbiddle shared a polyfill he wrote that might help > dev.to/jhildenbiddle/comment/lmi3
Super thanks for the polyfill!! I will consider that. I had no idea such a core css feature could be polyfilled.
For now I have mostly settled on using styled components
Those looking for IE/legacy support for CSS custom properties (i.e. "CSS variables") can check out css-vars-ponyfill. Forgive the self promotion (I am the author), but I thought it would be helpful for those still burdened--as I was not too long ago--with IE/legacy support.
This is great John! Also thank you for being so transparent. I'll add it to my code notes in the community section 😊
Great article, Samantha! The only question I had at the end was how to do the CSS ↔️ JS round trip for a global variable, as opposed to (as I understand it) your final example, which shows how to do it for a variable in local scope?
Great question @clozach ! You will have to go with the
route, but instead of passing the element, you just pass indocument.documentElement
. So something like this:(Let me update my official notes too 👏)
Great content, Samantha!
I had just recently started using CSS variables in some of my own projects. Like many other things that we learn (and re-learn) constantly... it was one of those I'll learn just enough to accomplish my immediate task... and not any more.
Reading your post, I now realize/understand things like the ability to override/scope the globals based on a particular context (my #1 takeaway), as well as becoming aware that there's a lot more value than I had begun to use.
As someone else mentioned... the delivery/humor makes it a fun read, too!
Yay, thanks for the positive reinforcement! Making it fun to read is my ultimate goal! I remeber really struggling reading tech docs, so now I can write my own blog posts, I want to make sure it’s at least fun to read and make the programming journey a bit easier for others 😊
I definitely has used CSS variable on the global level more. But again, I've mainly used it on smaller apps. But I'm sure if my app was bigger, that finer control with local variable might be handy. To complete my toolbox knowledge, I think it's good to know so I can use it when I cross that path 😊
The interesting thing about IE users is that it's a company restriction. Definitely not necessarily lower means or developing countries, some of them are in the financial sector, doing very well. But for some reason, they're stuck using IE. (I'm pretty sure those employees wish their employers would stop using IE 😅). Hopefully, one day we can convince all these companies to stop using IE (cause when the buck stops, the support will stop as well) I think that will be a very happy day 😂
Wow. It's new knowledge for me
Yay, glad to share something new with you 👏👏
Yap. I was bookmark this post. I will use it in my next projects
Welcome back to web dev! You might also find my other tidbits helpful, it might help with your catch up 😊
The repair shop is my best friend 😂
Supporting multiple browsers is okay, but IE is always ruining my day 🤦♀️
CSS variables are great! I have yet to make anything complex enough to need them, but I'll use them when I do!
The great thing is you don't need it for anything complicated. I've been using it for my smaller apps too. Very handy to keep my code clean 😄
I used it for my "not fancy app challenge" > github.com/samanthaming/not-fancy-...
True😌 Without repeated CSS though, I have yet to hit the biggest use case for them. What little CSS I need doesn’t even benefit from reduction via variable definitions, as nothing is reused.
Perfect tutorial for CSS variables, thank you. Finally we can use variables in small projectd w/o SASS :)
Awesome article!
Thanks for reading!! 👏👏
So is this CSS 4 or what? Thanks for a very enlightening post.
I think they move away from that type of versioning > rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2016/0...
Here's the official draft here 🙂 > drafts.csswg.org/css-variables/#de...
No worries Harlin!l 🙂 Web dev moves so quickly, it’s hard to keep up. That’s why I created the tidbits - a hopefully easy to read for folks to stay in the loop. I’ll keep sharing more as I find them 👏
Wow, I didn’t know about css variables:) Thanks for share, I do love sass but with this improvement pure css is more interesting
Totally! CSS is moving in the right direction! Sass is still great, but now i just mainly use it for bigger apps to justify the installation 😆 Otherwise vanilly css all the way 💪
This is so lovely 🤗🤗
CSS variables are indeed super lovely! ⭐️
Super! Thanks for the clear explanation Samantha.
Thanks for reading! Glad it makes sense 😄👏