What is Azure App Service?
Azure App Service is a Microsoft Azure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) service that allows developers to effortlessly design, distribute, and manage online and mobile applications. It includes automatic scaling, continuous deployment, and built-in support for popular programming languages.
Web applications are built using programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the frontend, and languages like Python, Ruby, Java, or PHP for the backend. They can offer a wide range of functionalities, such as online shopping, social media, email services, productivity tools, and more. These applications are designed to be accessible from various devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
Let's get started please.
Ensure you have the Azure CLI installed on your system. You can download Azure CLI, select your system operating system from the left pan and follow with the link. You can confirm if Azure CLI is installed by using the command az version from your CLI
Log into the Azure CLI.
From the command line (CLI) use the command az login. It will prompt you to select the Azure account you wish to log into. Remember you must have an Azure account and a valid subscription.
Go to your default browser, then select your active account to login.
You will get this message, go back to your command line interface (CLI), press enter.
After logging into the Azure account, you can confirm your subscription name and your Azure user account details.
Create a new Resource group or login to an existing one in your subscription
It is always best practice to have a resource group for your work. You can use an existing one or create a new one. Let us create a new one via the CLI.
The syntax for the command to create a Resource group is
az group create --name --location
az group create --name kenRG --location westeurope
We have our kenRG resource group created successfully.
Let us create an App service plan
Now to create our app service. Use the command syntax
az appservice plan create --name --resource-group
az appservice plan create --name kenapp --resource-group kenRG
The app service plan called kenapp is created.
To create a web app
The command syntax is
az webapp create --name --resource-group --plan
az webapp create --name kenwebapp --resource-group kenRG --plan kenapp
Access your web app
To access your web app you need to enter the URL syntax to your browser
As you can see your web app is running and only awaiting your content.
We were able to successfully explore the following Azure Cloud journey and I am confident that you can navigate on your own through the above guide made easy in the areas below;
1). Create a Resource Group.
2). Create an Azure Apps Service Plan.
3). Create a Web App.
4). Launch the created Web App.
Thank you for reading my article till the end. I hope you learned something special today. If you enjoyed this article, then please share to your friends and if you have suggestions or thoughts to share with me then please write in the comment box.
Top comments (1)
Great structured article. Unfortunately pictures are not shown - I tried on Firefox and Brave