DEV Community

Saulo Furuta
Saulo Furuta

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Review-apps in gh-pages

My Workflow

For projects with multiple developers working at the same time, It's vital to have an easy way to test every change being introduced. This sauloxd/review-apps tries to solve this problem, at least for static web applications, like a storybook app. It doesn't have any server involved, It's just good ol' JS/CSS/HTML.
But it's not meant to manage just the "production" version of a single branch, like the main branch, but instead, it manages all versions on each pull request open! That way, you can validate easier the interactions you are building, together with the QA team. Cool! No more ngrok or other hacks to share your localhost app. No more maintaining an S3 or any other 3rd party deployment service!
Everything is self-contained in your own repository, in the GitHub pages branch! yay

Submission Category:

DIY Deployments Focused on generating an app instance per PR to help QAing the changes being introduced.

Yaml File or Link to Code

Review apps action

Have ever seen yourself in this situation, where you are developing a Select component, and you're not quite right the interaction you've built is good enough? So you need to share what you've built so far with your UX/UI/QA team, just to see if you're following in the right direction?

You probably solved this by having a call with your designer or maybe sharing the link via ngrok. But everyone know how time consuming it is to do those things everytime you introduce a new change.

So why not deploy a new version of your app automatically? If your application is mainly static, this should be super easy, right? You could host it in S3, Netlify and even in Github-Pages.

And that's what this action do. The main difference is that it organizes your apps, by branch, so every developer working in your repo can have…

Additional Resources / Info

Here is an example of one project using this action!

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