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Difference between innerText and textContent ?

When working with the text content of HTML elements in JavaScript, programmers commonly utilize two properties: "textContent" and "innerText". While these properties may initially appear similar and interchangeable, they possess distinct differences. In this post, we will explore the major disparities between "textContent" and "innerText" and gain insights into their appropriate usage.

Firstly, let's consider the handling of hidden elements. The "textContent" property retrieves the text content of all elements regardless of their visibility. However, the "innerText" property takes CSS styling into account. It excludes hidden elements that employ properties like "display: none;" or "visibility: hidden;", ensuring that only text visible to the user is returned.

Secondly, there is a significant dissimilarity in how these properties handle CSS styles and layout information. "textContent" disregards CSS styling and layout properties, providing access to the raw text content, including text within hidden elements. On the other hand, "innerText" considers rendering and visibility based on CSS styles. It solely returns text content that is visually rendered to the user. This aspect makes "innerText" useful when dealing with text affected by CSS styles and layout.

Performance-wise, "textContent" generally outperforms "innerText". As "textContent" does not account for CSS styles or layout, it offers faster access to the text content of elements. Therefore, it is the preferred choice when only the raw text content is required, without considering visibility or styling.

Considering browser compatibility, "textContent" is widely supported across all modern browsers, including older versions. In contrast, innerText may not be supported by certain older browsers. Thus, if broader compatibility is needed, it is recommended to use "textContent".

In conclusion, the differences between "innerText" and "textContent" primarily lie in their handling of hidden elements, CSS styling, performance, and browser compatibility. "textContent" provides raw text content for all elements, irrespective of visibility or styling, while "innerText" considers CSS styles and returns only visibly rendered text. By understanding these distinctions, you can make informed decisions and ensure the appropriate handling of text content in JavaScript.

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