After customization, the terminal will look something like this:
- You must have WSL or WSL2 installed in your Windows 10 PC. For installation process, you can refer the official docs or watch this video by David Combal.
- You must have the Windows Terminal or Windows Terminal Preview version installed. The easiest and recommended way to download it is from the Microsoft Store. I prefer to use the preview version as it has more features 😁(but may have some bugs).
Initial steps
Open up the Windows Terminal.
Open up Ubuntu (or any distro you have installed) in the Windows terminal by clicking on the down arrow next to the + icon.
- Run the following command to check the version of the distro you have installed. ```
lsb_release -a
If everything worked fine, your distro name and version must be displayed.
- (Optional but best practice) Run the following command to update your Ubuntu packages. For the other distros, run their respective commands.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt autoclean
### Install zsh shell
- Run the command:
sudo apt install zsh
- To check if zsh if installed, run:
zsh --version
You must see the version of zsh shell you have installed.
- Set zsh as the default login shell by running the following command:
sudo usermod -s /usr/bin/zsh $(whoami)
- Restart you computer and you must see zsh as the default login shell. 😀
### Install oh-my-zsh
There are a ton of other frameworks for zsh shell like prezto, antigen, etc. My favorite is [oh-my-zsh](, but you can also try the other ones.
- Run the command:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Yaay! It's as easy as that.
You can configure the zsh shell by making changes in the `~/.zshrc` shell. This file runs every time we open the z shell just like the `.bashrc` file runs every time we open the bash shell.
With the help of oh-my-zsh, a lot of cool plugins can be installed to increase your productivity. [Here](!) is a guide for installing some useful oh-my-zsh plugins.
### Change settings in windows terminal
- In the windows terminal, open Settings by pressing `Ctrl` + `,`. This should open the `settings.json` file in your default editor (Mine is [VS Code](
- (Optional) To make Ubuntu as your default profile, copy the `guid` number from the `list`.

and paste it at the top in the `defaultProfile` property.

Next time you open Windows Terminal, Ubuntu must be the default profile opened.
- Download the [Cascadia Code PL]( and set it as a default `fontFace`.
(Note: Instead of Cascadia Code PL, you can install and apply one of the Nerd fonts from this [website](

- Set the `useAcrylic` and `acrylicOpacity` properties to add a beautiful opacity to your terminal.

If it isn't working, check if `Transparency Effects` is checked in Settings > Personaliation > Colors.

If you want to have a look at my full settings, [here]( it is.
For all the available settings in the terminal, refer the [official docs](
### Install Powerline fonts
- Run the following command:
sudo apt install fonts-powerline
This must install powerline fonts so that weird symbols don't appear in the terminal.
(You can also install one of [Nerd Fonts]( and apply it to your terminal settings).
## Install Powerlevel10k theme
- Run the command:
git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
- Open `~/.zshrc` file in your favorite editor. For VS Code, run the command `code ~/.zshrc`. Add the line `ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k"` and save.

- Run the command `source ~/.zshrc` to apply the changes made in `.zshrc` file.
Configure the p10k settings according to your liking :).
- (Optional) After all this, the terminal should look pretty awesome. But even more customization can be made by opening the file `~/.p10k.zsh` file. Check their [offical github page]( for more info.
**Done!! Your terminal must look similar to this:**

Thank you for reading :). Please do share your feedback ✌
Top comments (3)
Nice article, thanks for sharing.
Your welcome 😊
Why zsh is slow compared to bash in the wsl2?