DEV Community

My commit message workflow

Shreyas Minocha on June 22, 2018

This article was originally published on I totally obsess over commit messages. I often spend minutes staring into...
shaiay profile image

You could probably use grep -v instead of perl in your prepare-commit-msg hook

shreyasminocha profile image
Shreyas Minocha • Edited

I tried this out and it almost worked except grep doesn't allow you to edit a file in-place. So I tried grep -Ev "(# Please.*|# with.*|^#$)" $1 > $1 but that didn't work.

Eventually, the following worked:

grep -Ev "(# Please.*|# with.*|^#$)" $1 > /tmp/msg
cat /tmp/msg > $1

Any better way to do this with grep -v?

shaiay profile image
shaiay • Edited

According to SO this is really a limitation of UNIX. The best answer I found there is (

but really your solution is just fine. You can add some error checking (and make it into a one-liner):
grep -Ev .... %1 > /tmp/msg && cat /tmp/msg > $1
(this way the cat will only execute if the grep didn't produce an error)

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jwmevans_77 profile image
James Evans • Edited

Why not use sed?
You could do the following:
sed -i '/\(# Please.*\|# with.*\|^#$\)/ d' $1
The -i flag will do the edits in-place, saving you having to create a temp file.
Assuming that the unwanted block always occurs at the same place, you could also do sed -i '/^# Please/,+2 d' $1 (Which will delete the line starting with "# Please" and the next 2 lines as well)

**Just noticed a typo in the second sed statement - There was a missing "/" (fixed now)

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shreyasminocha profile image
Shreyas Minocha • Edited

Great idea. I'll update the article to use this.

Edit: I just tried this on macOS and it errors out with sed: 1: ".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG": invalid command code .. With some searching, I learnt that BSD sed (the one that macOS uses) requires an extension with -i. However, even that gives me sed: 1: "/^# Please/,+2 d": expected context address. Apparently the +2 thing is GNU sed specific. The first statement (with -i.bak) didn't error, but didn't remove the lines either. I'm guessing it's because of inconsistencies in implementations of sed.

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jwmevans_77 profile image
James Evans • Edited

Does the other sed command work for you (sed -i.bak '/\(# Please.*\|# with.*\|^#$\)/ d' $1)?
You can also try this one: sed -i.bak '/^# Please/,/^#$/ d' $1

To keep things tidy you could make it sed -i.bak '/^# Please/,/^#$/ d' $1 && rm $1.bak

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shreyasminocha profile image
Shreyas Minocha


antogarand profile image
Antony Garand

I usually use the first message from What The Commit, but I get weird looks from my coworkers afterwards.

shreyasminocha profile image
Shreyas Minocha • Edited

That website is my new source of entertainment.

rhymes profile image

omg mine too. Thanks @antogarand !

adrianskar profile image
Adrian Skar • Edited

Great! In case someone else needs it;
For the cursor on the first line thing on VS Code
editor = \"C:\\[yourPath]\\Code.exe\" -g $1:1 --wait

in .gitconfig seems to do the trick.

-VSCode's CLI opts

asfaltboy profile image
Pavel Savchenko • Edited

Brilliant stuff! By the way, have you ever tried the GitSavvy plugin? If you did, why did you stop ? If you didn't, please try it out and let me know what you think !

Disclaimer: I occasionally contribute to GitSavvy

Also, I'd like to update your examples to use

shreyasminocha profile image
Shreyas Minocha

I'll try Git Savvy out, thanks. Yeah, I've heard of conventional commits, but they aren't for me. Whatever works for you, of course. node-commit-msg can be configured to support those, though.

jknsware profile image
Jason Ware

For anyone having a hard time setting the core.editor, the command should be

$ git config --global core.editor 'sublime -n -w $1:2'

shreyasminocha profile image
Shreyas Minocha

Thanks for pointing that out. I've added some links to installation instructions.

vasconce7os profile image
Vasconcelos 🇧🇷

thanks for share it. I can't understand "pet peeve",sorry

shreyasminocha profile image
Shreyas Minocha

That is perfectly fine. It's a very specific pet peeve and I obviously don't expect everyone to relate to it. Feel free to interpret parts of the post as a proof of concept—such manipulation is possible.

4lch4 profile image
Devin W. Leaman

A pet peeve is just something that someone finds extremely annoying, more so than other things that might be an annoyance.

nagarjun profile image
Nagarjun Palavalli

How would you enforce this practice within a team of developers all committing to the same project? Does Git allow you to globally enforce commit templates for a repository?

levente profile image

Just FYI, we work on a product (Commit Policy Plugin for Jira) that does just that. It's a Jira app, so it's hard wired to work in Jira, but allows you to enforce all kind of rules (to many VCS, not just Git).

shreyasminocha profile image
Shreyas Minocha

Good question. As far as I know, no, it doesn't. If there's a neat way to do this, I'd like to know.

jlouzado profile image
Joel Louzado • Edited

Please tell me you've used commitizen; I'd love to see what kind of customizations you'd do with it. Especially incorporating git-mojis :D

shreyasminocha profile image
Shreyas Minocha

I did stumble across it some time back but the type(scope): message format isn't for me. I've been experimenting with git-mojis though 😃

rhymes profile image

I didn't know about the seven rules, thank you!

tinsoldier6 profile image
Jason Gade

Very good article with some helpful links, thanks!

thehanna profile image
Brian Hanna

This is great! I've been wanting to implement a structure for commits at my job and this seems like a really great jumping off point. Thanks!

alextrastero profile image

Great article; I have a iTerm badge with the message "If applied, this commit will..." :)

jrock2004 profile image
John Costanzo

Can you show a screenshot of your git log to see how this looks?

shreyasminocha profile image
Shreyas Minocha • Edited

Sure. Here's a git log --oneline from the repo for my school's MUN's website.
Link to screenshot

jrock2004 profile image
John Costanzo

I was hoping to see how your template was used

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shreyasminocha profile image
Shreyas Minocha • Edited

Oh! The template's just comments. All lines beginning with '#' are ignored. Here's an example of how it would be used.

# If applied, this commit will…
Fix the Secretariat page on phones

# Explain why this change is being made

# Provide links to any relevant tickets, articles or other resources
Resolves issue #4

It's meant to be used as a guidance in framing the commit message in accordance with the seven principles I linked to in the article. I'm sorry that it wasn't clear. I've edited the article to make that obvious. Thanks!

jsm91 profile image

Awesome article, thanks for sharing!