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OSD600 - Lab 1 - Link-checker

Finding someone to check someone's code or have yours checked can be done on "Slack". After I did a version 2 of my Release 0.1 someone asked me if I could check their code. I found it interesting that they separated each element into separate tasks. For example, setting up the arguments to fetch, then fetching multiple files and then run by a main. I liked that part however this project seemed to me like it was larger then it needed to be. What I mean is, there is a link-check.js and an index.js Am I wrong? I thought professors taught us that using less data to perform a task is better. But then I have never worked in the field to even have a validated opinion.

Unfortunately the first command's output was:

Usage lct [options]
-f, --file Load file(s) [required]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
-u, --url Check a specific url
-h, --help Show help [boolean]

lct -f foo.js Check all valid URLs in the file
lct -fu Check the status of

I thought there was missing instructions in the README but it turns out that only the single command works. The multi-file command does not work either with an error of no such file or directory open. Which would lead me to conclude that the "fetch" is not working.


My Issues:

It was suggested that I refractor my conditions to just print the results if I am not adding colour to my results. If I was just looking to print everything in the same colour I would just removed the extra if/if else and just proceed to console.log. Since my feature is adding colour, then I will not change my code.

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