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OSD600 Release 0.4 Second PR - Search Button revisited

For anyone reading this for the first time, here at Seneca OSD600 is an Open Source development class where we learn how to contribute to open source and manage our own projects. For Release 0.4 we have to contribute 3 PR's (pull request). This contribution I have tried this issue before and failed. You can read about it on "Tenacious".

This time I read, I studied and then studied some more. I started practicing. I am determined to learn more about CSS. What was so confusing about this process is that I didn't know the best way to do this. There is several approaches but what one works best without disrupting the flow of the telescope search. The biggest struggle I had was that when I was able to get the search button in the right place, it was completely hidden behind the search bar.

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I was just about to give up hope but then the solution came into view. I had to blink. I couldn't believe it.... there it was! I laughed(almost crying). My teenagers probably thought I'd really gone loony. School killed what was left of my sanity that they didn't take.

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My PR was created. Alas! I was given two approvals and my contribution was merged.

Wise words from my professor "it's important to learn how to fail at technical challenges for the right reasons, and in the right way". Whoah! I know this already but lost site of this in my journey through school so focused and absorbed into doing my best. As they used to say when I was a kid "I gave it 120%". I swear sometimes I was giving 150%! A reminder that as important it is to work hard, it is important not to neglect one self. Thank you to all whom supported me through this contribution and through my program at Seneca.

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