DEV Community

Jonathan Irvin
Jonathan Irvin

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How do you name your devices?

Names can be a powerful thing. Each of my devices fall into a naming convention. Some of you probably use practical names, but I'm interested in the fun ones.

My Windows machines are Dharma Stations from lost: Orchid and Tempest.

My wireless devices are astronomical bodies: Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Artemis

Or do you leave the default name?

Discuss below!😝

Latest comments (35)

drewknab profile image
Drew Knab

My computers are generally named after the branding:

Every Apple handheld device I've owned since iPod 4th Gen has been Rocket 00000.

shreyasminocha profile image
Shreyas Minocha • Edited

Mine are named after planets.

  • Laptop: Mars
  • Phone/Hotspot: Mercury
  • Tablet: Saturn
  • VPS: Neptune

  • Pendrive: Space Shuttle

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair • Edited

Well historically I've gotten in trouble for naming servers after sexually transmitted diseases (mostly because nobody can spell "gonorrhoea") constellations (mostly because nobody can spell "cassaeopia") and dinosaurs. Surprisingly, everybody loved dinosaurs at school and can spell "brontosaurus" but Upper Management didn't like the idea of our machines sounding obsolete.

I don't get to name the machines where I work currently.

At home, I name everything that's a server after a computer from film and TV; I currently have Sweetie, Arcade, Shoshone and Zen.

EDIT: Oh, and my phone's called Squish, after the cluster lizard from Lexx. No reason.

gerardketuma profile image
Gerard Ketuma

I actually just started using the books of the bible. It has been so much fun. Currently on 'Numbers'. Genesis and Exodus are my server and MBP.

adambrandizzi profile image
Adam Brandizzi

I use philosophers, so I my personal machine is popper, my work station is epicurus, I have schopenhauer somewhere here waiting for fixes and so on.

kungtotte profile image
Thomas Landin

I name them according to Norse mythology.

My WiFi SSID is Yggdrasil (the "world tree") and my devices are named for gods or entities accordingly. E.g. Oden, Tor, Loke, Sleipner (the names are in Swedish in case they look odd to you).

stephanie profile image
Stephanie Handsteiner

I name my personal devices after characters from the Asterix comics. :D

My servers are named after celestial bodies tho'.

avalander profile image
Avalander • Edited

I go for places from fictional worlds, mostly from Middle Earth and My Little Pony. Ponyville, Canterlot, Lorien, Lothlorien, Rivendell, Mordor, and Gondor are some of the names I remember.

yaakov profile image

I try and follow a Star Wars naming convention, with the category of name depending on the type of the device.

I have two USB flash drives named after droids, laptop and desktops are named after planets. My everyday devices take their names from the Rebel Alliance (Atollon, Eadu, C1-10P), and other devices get miscellaneous ones (Coruscant, Takodana, Hoth...).

brianemilius profile image
Brian Emilius

I've a server where I am playing around with AI and machine learning. Obviously I had to name it "skynet"

sharpdog profile image
SharpDog • Edited

You don't work with Miles Dyson at Cyberdyne by any chance, do you 🤖

sudiukil profile image
Quentin Sonrel

At first I named my machines after the Patriots' AIs from Metal Gear Solid.

My desktop was GW, my laptop TJ, etc... eventually GW was replaced by another machine serving the same purpose that I simply named GW-Mk2.

Eventually I ran out of names so now I name my machines without any specific logic, my NAS is "Ana" ("AnaNAS" means pineapple in French, I liked the play on words 😀), I even have a machine named E1M1 in reference of Doom.

rafalpienkowski profile image
Rafal Pienkowski

I'm a master of chemistry, so I'm using names from the Periodic Table. For example, I name my machines: helium, oxygen, vanadium, etc.

binarypatrick profile image

Dinosaurs.... Made up dinosaurs. Lapasaurus, deskasaurus, mediadon, and syncasaur.

lennartb profile image

My devices are all named after locations or planets from the Metroid universe. Zebes, Norfair, Phendrana, Bryyo, Maridia etc.

eradical profile image
Gabriel PREDA

My main Android TV => Holodeck
My phone => Spock
Main personal laptop => Enterprise
Work laptop => Marauder

Servers don't get "pet like" names... They only get functional names like: