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Cover image for Hacky Friday Stuff #15.11.2019
Alexey Zhaboyedov
Alexey Zhaboyedov

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Hacky Friday Stuff #15.11.2019

Links about web development, product engineering, tools and services from all over the internet.

Ruby's Roots and Matz's Leadership
An article explores the Matz’s talk at CookPad in Bristol, which was about where he got inspiration for various Ruby features, and about how he leads the language - how and why new features are added to Ruby. Much of what Matz had to say was about Ruby itself, and where particular features came from. This is a long list, so settle in.

Getting Started with Svelte and Rails 6
Svelte is slowly rising to fame these days and it’s getting more and more traction with new version 3 being released in April. If you’re interested in how to get started with Rails and Svelte, this is the right post for you!

Code: Align the happy path to the left edge
Tips for a good line of sight. A good line of sight makes no difference to what your function does, but it does help other humans who might need to read your code. The idea is that another programmer (including your future self) can glance down a single column and understand the expected flow of the code.

Observability — A 3-Year Retrospective
Observability, the development approach or moreover the “movement’” is about three years old and Charity Majors, one of the early pioneers in the field, has decided to take a step back, pan out and “observe” how far it has come. In this article, she takes a closer look at why it formed and why other approaches and methods fall short, citing important contributors along the way. She explains the criticality of adopting observability for any engineering team building and maintaining complex, distributed systems.


Launch: Basecamp Gets Personal
Basecamp Personal – a completely free Basecamp plan designed specifically for freelancers, students, families, and personal projects.

Introducing Skunk: Combine Code Quality and Coverage to Calculate a Stink Score
In this article, I'd like to talk about Skunk: A Stink Score Calculator! I'll explain why we need it, how it works, and the roadmap for this new tool.

Build and test software of any size, quickly and reliably. It produces deterministic results. This eliminates skew between incremental and clean builds, laptop and CI systems, etc.

Professional-grade JavaScript animation for the modern web.

Cloverpop for Slack
Add decisions from any Slack channel or message using three quick commands to streamline your decision-making. Keep track of decisions within and across teams, move them forward faster and find them later from anywhere in Slack.

Brave, Fingerprinting, and Privacy Budgets
One of Brave’s core goals is to protect peoples’ privacy online, and to prevent online trackers from following you around the Web. Brave protects users against many different forms of tracking, including state-based tracking, IP tracking, and fingerprinting (or passive) tracking.


High-level image processing wrapper for libvips and ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick. The goal of this project is to have a single gem that contains all the helper methods needed to resize and process images.


UI Breakfast Podcast. Episode 150: Understanding Product-Market Fit with Derrick Reimer
Growing a SaaS company is such a slow process. How do you know if you’re on the right track? Our guest today is Derrick Reimer, a founder of several SaaS companies and a fellow podcaster. You’ll learn the story of his previous SaaS product, multiple ways to validate your product idea, and what are the signals that a product-market fit is happening (or not).

Yo! Podcast #008 – Adam Wathan – Tailwind CSS, Refactoring UI
Adam Wathan is 1 part metalhead, 2 parts online education juggernaut. Over the past few years, Adam has distilled his obsessive development research into several online courses and books, achieving millions of Dollars in sales. We rap about SaaS vs once-off payments, Pantera vs Slayer, why he uses Gumroad, the advantage of multi-tier pricing and of course his rapidly growing CSS Framework, Tailwind CSS.

The Accidental Enginner. Testing at Scale: Nelson Elhage
Nelson Elhage most recently spent 7 years at Stripe, spearheading developer productivity initiatives. In this episode, Nelson shares:

  • how surveys help prioritize developer productivity issues
  • why Stripe created Sorbet, the Ruby type-checker
  • Nelson’s perspective on mono vs. multi-repo codebases

The EmberMap Podcast. Episode 79: Yehuda Katz on Paradigms vs. Abstractions in UI Development
Yehuda Katz joins Sam and Ryan to talk about modern JavaScript UI development. He discusses the most important ideas React brought to the JS community, whether programming paradigms are as important as developers are led to believe, the design of ES modules and classes, the multiparadigm nature of JavaScript, the past and future of Ember, and his excitement over the future of JavaScript UI development.


Rails Architect Masterclass example videos by Arkency:

Rust, WebAssembly, and the future of Serverless by Steve Klabnik
A lot of things have been said about WebAssembly inside of the browser; after all, that's why it was originally created. But a new case is emerging as well, and that's WebAssembly on the server. More specifically, we're seeing a rise of support for WebAssembly in serverless application platforms, combining two brand-new technologies together. We're also seeing a lot of growth of the Rust programming language, and its close alignment with WebAssembly. In this talk, Steve will talk about Rust, WebAssembly, serverless technologies, and how it all fits together.

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