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Cover image for CGPA CALCULATOR
suryansh taragi
suryansh taragi

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Description of the Code:

The provided C++ code converts a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) to its equivalent percentage. Here's a breakdown of the code:

Function cgpaToPercentage:

Takes a double parameter cgpa representing the Cumulative Grade Point Average.
Assumes a simple conversion formula (e.g., CGPA * 10) to calculate the equivalent percentage.
Returns the calculated percentage.

Main Function:

Declares a double variable cgpa to store the user-input CGPA.

Prompts the user to enter their CGPA.

Checks if the entered CGPA is within the valid range (0 to 10).

If valid, calls the cgpaToPercentage function to convert CGPA to percentage.
Prints the equivalent percentage.
Uses cout for output and cin for input.
If the entered CGPA is not within the valid range, prints an error message indicating an invalid CGPA.

Input Validation:

Ensures the entered CGPA is between 0 and 10.


Displays either the equivalent percentage or an error message based on the validity of the entered CGPA.


The code assumes a linear conversion from CGPA to percentage (CGPA * 10).
It provides a straightforward illustration of converting CGPA to a more commonly used percentage scale.


The code does not include advanced error handling or additional validation beyond the specified CGPA range.
This code offers a simple utility for students or users to quickly convert their CGPA to a percentage, assuming a direct linear relationship between the two grading systems.

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