Description of the Palindrome Checker Code:
Function isPalindrome(const string &word):
Takes a string word as input.
Creates a new string (cleanWord) by removing spaces and converting characters to lowercase for case-insensitive comparison.
Checks if the cleaned word is a palindrome.
Returns true if it is a palindrome, and false otherwise.
Main Function:
Declares a string variable userWord to store user input.
Prompts the user to enter a word.
Calls the isPalindrome function to check if the entered word is a palindrome.
Prints "YES, IT IS PALINDROME" or "NO, IT IS NOT A PALINDROME" based on the result.
Palindrome Check:
Utilizes the isPalindrome function to determine whether the entered word is a palindrome.
Palindrome checking is case-insensitive and ignores spaces.
Input and Output:
Takes user input for a word using cin.
Displays the result of the palindrome check using cout.
Palindrome Checking Logic:
Iterates through the cleaned word from both ends, comparing characters.
Returns false if any pair of characters do not match.
Returns true if all pairs match, confirming a palindrome.
The code uses a simplified method for checking palindromes, suitable for single-word inputs.
It provides a quick and straightforward way to determine if a word is a palindrome or not.
This code serves as a basic palindrome checker, allowing users to input a word and check whether it reads the same backward as forward, considering case insensitivity and ignoring spaces.
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