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My 2021 New Mac Setup

swyx on July 05, 2021

I set up a new Mac for work today. Here's everything I use on a Mac for fullstack web development. Unlike Mina Markham, I choose not to automate m...
fhiegel profile image
Fabien Hiegel β€’

Thank you for the share !

I have some other tools I prefers :

I use SdkMan ( for install java, and managing my different java versions

I use "Rectangle" instead of "Spectacle" for managing windows, installed from brew

brew install --cask rectangle
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I use "CopyQ" instead of "clippy-app" for clipboard manager

brew install --cask copyq
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Note : the link to your dotfiles gists, is pointing to a Notions workspace
Note2 : thank you for all your "Learn In Public" resources

dailydevtips1 profile image
Chris Bongers β€’

Nice Shawn!

Very complete list, took some inspiration from this as I'm currently building a new brew formula to do most of this for me when I'm reinstalling my Mac again.

Also going to give Z a shot πŸ‘

horacioh profile image
Horacio Herrera β€’

I use a dotfile to setup almost everything!

there are a lot of people with this mode, you can search for repos named β€œdotfiles”

preslavrachev profile image
Preslav Rachev β€’

That's a nice one. I have recently started my own long-term project in the same direction. I am collecting about a decade of knowledge and insider tips into a (won't call it a book yet) scrapbook of sorts. I have released a very early version of on Gumroad: Anyone generous enough to back my little project at this stage will enjoy its full value over time. Thanks!

trimud profile image
Yuriy Boev β€’

Why do you need another app for clipboard history when you have this built in in Alfred already?

trimud profile image
Yuriy Boev β€’

Why do you need another app for clipboard history when you have this built in in Alfred already?

bramus profile image
Bramus! β€’

To automate (most of) these steps I created that does the job for me. Might need a few tweaks to continue working with the latest macOS/etc versions.

swyx profile image
swyx β€’

looks very handy! thx for sharing!

brucebentley profile image
Bruce Bentley β€’

Do you have all of this configured in a dotfiles repo somewhere?

trimud profile image
Yuriy Boev β€’

Why do you need another app for clipboard history when you have this built in in Alfred already?

trimud profile image
Yuriy Boev β€’

Why do you need another app for clipboard history when you have this built in in Alfred already?

bill_magnet profile image
Bill Manget β€’

Cant believe I just spent one hour watching this dude install bunch of stuff.. Seems like wathcing someone install uBlock Origin is my new drug :) Great video nonetheless!