Let setup the ansible:
you need one "MASTER" and multiple "SLAVE" node to control the slave configuration.
- its an configuration management tool, also open-source.
- we used "YAML" for scripting language.
- it implement worker on "push management" model.
- one "Master" configure multiple servers "nodes".
- it communicate agent/nodes throw "SSH" method.
- script are called "PLAY BOOKS".
- the machain where ansible is installed called "ANSIBLE SERVER".
- the set of commands to be executed in nodes/client called " MODULE"
- metadata of servers or agent/nodes/clients called "Inventory"
- inventory default location will be -->
How to connect master and slave
create an SSH-KEY and paste the same in all slave servers.
So, you connect with all different nodes through IP with same private-key.
How To Install
apt install ansible
How To Create Inventory
server_1 ansible_hist=
ansible_python_interpreter = /usr/bin/python3
How To Check/Verify Inventory
ansible-inventory --list -y
ansible-inventory --list -y -i [(inventory)--> /etc/ansible/host]
How To Ping Agent/Nodes
ping the all nodes
ansible all -m ping -i [(inventory)--> /etc/ansible/host] --private-key = ~/.ssh/ansiblekey.pem
ansible all -m ping -u root
####some use full command to get nodes info####
ansible all -a "free -h" -i [(inventory)--> /etc/ansible/host] --private-key = ~/.ssh/ansiblekey.pem
ansible all -a "uptime" -i [(inventory)--> /etc/ansible/host] --private-key = ~/.ssh/ansiblekey.pem
ansible all -a "df -h" -i [(inventory)--> /etc/ansible/host] --private-key = ~/.ssh/ansiblekey.pem
How To Create Play-book.yml
- name: This playbook will create a file
hosts: all
become: true
- name: creating a file
path: /home/ubuntu/testdemo2.txt
state: touch
- name: This Playbook will create a user
hosts: all
become: true
- name: Create a user Shubham
user: name=shubham
- name: This playbook will install Docker
hosts: all
become: true
- name: Add Docker GPG apt Key
url: https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg
state: present
- name: Add Docker Repository
repo: deb https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu focal stable
state: present
- name: Install Docker
name: docker-ce
state: latest
How To Upgrade-all Server by(command)
ansible all -m apt -a "upgrade=yes update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=86400" --become -i [(inventory)--> /etc/ansible/host] --private-key = ~/.ssh/ansiblekey.pem
How To Run Playbook.yml
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i [(inventory)--> /etc/ansible/host] --private-key = ~/.ssh/ansiblekey.pem
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