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Tanuja V
Tanuja V

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HTTP Codes

1xx Informational

  1. 100 Continue: Server agrees to continue with the client's request.

  2. 101 Switching Protocols: Server switches protocols as requested by the client.

  3. 102 Processing: Request received, and the server is continuing processing.

2xx Success

  1. 200 OK: The request was successful.

  2. 201 Created: Request resulted in a new resource created.

  3. 202 Accepted: Request accepted, but processing is not complete.

  4. 203 Non-Authoritative Information: Request processed, but from a third-party source.

  5. 204 No Content: Request processed successfully with no additional content.

  6. 205 Reset Content: Clear input fields for user form.

3xx Redirection

  1. 300 Multiple Choices: Multiple options available; user-agent can select one.

  2. 301 Moved Permanently: Resource moved permanently to a new location.

  3. 302 Found (or 303 See Other): Resource temporarily at a different location.

  4. 304 Not Modified: Resource not modified since last requested.

  5. 307 Temporary Redirect: Requested page temporarily resides under a different URL.

4xx Client Errors

  1. 400 Bad Request: Server cannot process the request due to client error.

  2. 401 Unauthorized: Authentication required for access.

  3. 402 Payment Required: Payment needed for further access.

  4. 403 Forbidden: Server understands the request but refuses to authorize.

  5. 404 Not Found: Requested resource not found.

  6. 405 Method Not Allowed: Request method not supported.

  7. 406 Not Acceptable: Requested resource cannot generate the response meeting the list of acceptable values.

  8. 407 Proxy Authentication Required: Proxy needs authentication.

  9. 408 Request Timeout: Server timed out while waiting for a request.

  10. 409 Conflict: Request conflicts with the current state of the server.

  11. 410 Gone: Requested resource is no longer available.

  12. 411 Length Required: Content-Length not defined.

  13. 412 Precondition Failed: Precondition in the request header evaluated to false.

  14. 413 Payload Too Large: Request entity too large.

  15. 414 URI Too Long: URI requested is too long.

  16. 415 Unsupported Media Type: Request entity has a media type not supported by the server.

  17. 416 Range Not Satisfiable: Requested range not available.

  18. 417 Expectation Failed: Expectation specified in the Expect header cannot be met.

5xx Server Errors

  1. 500 Internal Server Error: Generic error message for an unexpected condition.

  2. 501 Not Implemented: Server does not support the functionality.

  3. 502 Bad Gateway: Server acting as a gateway received an invalid response.

  4. 503 Service Unavailable: Server temporarily unable to handle the request.

  5. 504 Gateway Timeout: Server acting as a gateway did not receive a timely response.

  6. 505 HTTP Version Not Supported: Server does not support the HTTP protocol version used.

Wrapping Up:

Guess 404 is the one code that we are all familiar with ourselvesπŸ˜‰
How many of these did you know ? Let me know in the comments

Thanks for reading :)
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Top comments (2)

sehgalspandan profile image
Spandan Sehgal

Didnt knew that "soooo" much of these existed, tho I was familiar with 404 ofc πŸ˜… 403, 301, 401 500 and 200. Thanks for sharing!!

tanujav profile image
Tanuja V

I know right πŸ˜…
I am glad that you liked it, Spandan πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘