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Why is map called map?

Angie Jones on February 14, 2020

I've been using the map method in Java and JavaScript for a while now, and every time I use it I wonder why was it named "map". It wasn't obvious t...
yawaramin profile image
Yawar Amin

The answers there are good, but I want to add one more point: the 'map' operation is one that, in mathematics, makes some guarantees. Calling it 'map' in a programming language is a kind of a shortcut way of saying 'we make those guarantees too'. The overarching guarantee of 'map' is that its output data has the same 'structure' as its input data. E.g., if you map over an array with n elements, you get back an array with n elements. The structure is preserved.

'Map' can also be defined for other data structures, like linked lists, trees, graphs, sets, and so on. So that's the nice thing about it–if you come across that name, you can be reasonably sure that it's structure-preserving.

wolverineks profile image
Kevin Sullivan • Edited

Which is weird to me, because I think of a physical map as changing the structure and keeping the data, and a mathematical/programming map to be keeping the structure and changing the data.

In my mind it would make more sense to map a linked list onto an array, or map an object onto an array, Object.values(someObject).

mateiadrielrafael profile image
Matei Adriel

Also note that all the structures which can be mapped upon are called functors. That is a pretty important term in the fp world

yawaramin profile image
Yawar Amin

I deliberately left out FP words :-)

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mateiadrielrafael profile image
Matei Adriel

Yep, not really necessary unless using a fp lang or a lib such as fp-ts, meant it to be more of a fun fact

techgirl1908 profile image
Angie Jones

thanks for sharing this!

johnkazer profile image
John Kazer

I would also add that programming adds to the original mathematics (without mentioning algebraic data structures) by enabling a data structure, such as an array, to be "mappable". That is, the data structure should support certain functions/methods which enable the map function to operate.

The details of course vary by language, but are crucial in enabling a generic map function to work with arrays, linked lists, trees, graphs, sets etc. So for Clojure, any data structure can be mapped if it implements 'first', 'rest' and 'cons'.

cappe987 profile image

Interesting question. I was aware of the connection to mathematics, but I've never heard of the analogy of a geographical map.

The data structure Map is essentially also related to the same origin. It maps a key to a value and the same input will always give the same output. While the data structure and the function are two separate things in programming they still follow the same concept.

xanderyzwich profile image
Corey McCarty

I don't think that it is completely divorced from the map data structure because that structure is a mapping from keys to values.

mateiadrielrafael profile image
Matei Adriel • Edited

Ye, fair enough, I shouldve also included a note about the laws

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Thanks for sharing the results of your research with the rest of us.

emiifont profile image
Emilio Font

I didn't know this, thanks for posting.

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

A map from A to B I had assumed.

polyterative profile image
Vladyslav Yakovenko

Idk map looks like the most appropriate name for me. It was harder to learn but now that I know I like it this way