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Cover image for How to automatically scale down a GKE node pool in the staging cluster to save money, with notifications via Slack.
Huynh Thanh Phuc
Huynh Thanh Phuc

Posted on

How to automatically scale down a GKE node pool in the staging cluster to save money, with notifications via Slack.


This guide demonstrates how to implement an automated/manual solution for scaling down Kubernetes nodepools during off-hours while keeping your team informed through Slack notifications. This approach can significantly reduce cloud costs by ensuring compute resource aren't idle during non-business hours.


  • Kubernetes cluster (in post, I will use GKE)
  • Slack workspace with permissions to create Webhooks
  • KubeCTL access to your cluster
  • ... ## Solution Components
    1. Golang CronJob to push notify yes/no scale up/down
    2. Slack notify and recieve message confirm from user
    3. Node Scale exc


1. Create Slack bot and workspace

2. Create GKE cluster and create node pool on it

3. Prepare k8s conf and bot

Prepare conf

  • connect to cluster and get kube/congfig Image description Check config
cat ~/.kube/config
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Image description

  • Code push message to Slack
type TypeQuestionType string

const (
    QuestionTypeYesNoScaleDown TypeQuestionType = "yes_no_scale_down"
    QuestionTypeYesNoScaleUp TypeQuestionType = "yes_no_scale_up"

func sendYesNoQuestion(client *slack.Client, channelID string, question string, typeQuestion TypeQuestionType) (string, error) {
    attachment := slack.Attachment{
        Text: question,
        CallbackID: string(typeQuestion),
        Actions: []slack.AttachmentAction{
                Name: "yes",
                Text: "Yes",
                Type: "button",
                Value: "yes",
                Name: "no", 
                Text: "No",
                Type: "button",
                Value: "no",
    _, timestamp, err := client.PostMessage(
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    lastQuestionTimestamp = timestamp
    return "Response pending", nil

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result test:

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Flow chart

Image description


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