Writing our own Ngrx
Redux is not the only state manager, and in fact, we can easily create our own. All popular state managers for Angular require to put your business logic inside a singleton. Therefore, I urge you to think carefully when it comes to choosing what state management solution to use.
I’m writing this post because I’m seeing an improper usage of RxJS in people’s hands everywhere. The most common issues here are not knowing operators, Rx design principles or lack of understanding of declaratively and reactively. In this post, we will cover the most common cases through writing our own Ngrx using RxJS.
What we want to accomplish
— preserving current state;
— changing the state;
— handling of various actions;
— async stuff;
— error processing;
and last but not least, destroying the state when we no longer need it.
A State of the State
For the sake of the example, we will store a simple list of numbers and loading indicator. Here’s the interface:
interface ItemsState {
items: number[];
loading: boolean;
Let’s define default state:
const defaultState: ItemsState = {
items: [],
loading: false
In order to be able to work with our state, we can use of() operator to create an Observable.
of() creates a stream with one or more than one element which completes right after all elements are sent.
state$: Observable<ItemsState> = of(defaultState);
As we can see from the diagram, Observable returns our default state and completes. Let’s make the stream infinite.
NEVER, startWith()
To keep the stream alive we can use Subject, but first, let’s take a look at NEVER constant. We will touch Subject later, no worries.
NEVER is a simple stream in RxJS that never completes.
startWith() creates initial value for the stream. Combined with NEVER it can replace of() operator.
state$: Observable<ItemsState> =
Note, now our stream never ends but every subscriber will work with different streams which means that they also will have different data. Next, we’re going to solve this problem.
publishReplay(), refCount()
BehaviorSubject is usually used when we need to have a state stream. In our example, the best way to go will be using publishReplay() and refCount().
publishReplay() creates a message buffer and takes the size of the buffer as its first argument. New subscribers will instantly get those buffered messages. In our case, we need to store only the last message, so we will pass 1.
refCount() implements a simple Ref Count pattern which is used to determine if the stream is alive, meaning that it has subscribers, or not. If there are no subscribers, refCount() will unsubscribe from it, thus killing the stream.
state$: Observable<ItemsState> =
This way we can ensure that all subscribers have the same stream and the same data.
Control stream that changes the State
Let’s define how we want to control it. One way of controlling the state is creating and processing commands. The interface looks like that:
interface Action {
type: string,
payload?: any
Type property contains command name, payload carries necessary data for the command.
Now we’re going to implement command stream, and Subject, mentioned above, is the perfect candidate here. It will create a bidirectional stream that not only can be readable but also writable.
We will create the stream of commands called actions$ using Subject.
actions$: Subject<Action> = new Subject<Action>();
We created commands stream here, let’s bind it with the state stream by replacing NEVER with actions$.
actions$: Subject<Action> = new Subject<Action>();
state$: Observable<ItemsState> =
Now we have two streams: state stream and command stream. They interact with each other but our state is just getting rewritten on every command.
Command handling
To handle the command we should get the state and command from a stream, change the state and return a new one. We have scan() operator to deal with such things.
scan() receives a reducer function that takes current state and new command from the stream.
Here we’re implementing reducer function and passing it to scan().
function stateReducer(
state: ItemsState,
action: Action
): ItemsState => {
switch (action.type) {
return state;
state$: Observable<ItemsState> =
Now, the stream is holding its state but does not react to changes. Here’s how we add handling for load and load success:
function stateReducer(
state: ItemsState,
action: Action
): ItemsState => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'load':
return { ...state, loading: true };
case 'load success':
return { ...state, loading: false };
return state;
state$: Observable<ItemsState> =
The state changes to loading: true or loading: false on load and load success commands, respectively.
Effect handling
Our state can react to synchronous commands. What should we do with asynchronous ones? We need a stream which will take the command and return new command. Here it is:
load$: Observable<Action> = actions$;
First, we need to ensure that initial command has load type. We will use filter() operator for that.
filter() decides whether the command can be passed down the stream or not.
load$: Observable<Action> =
filter((action) => 'load' === action.type)
To make the code more readable, we will create a custom RxJS operator. It’s considered a good practice. We need an operator that will take a type of command and filter out others.
function ofType<T extends Action>(
type: string
): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<T> {
return filter((action) => type === action.type);
load$: Observable<Action> =
Now we have a separate stream that receives commands of a particular type, and we’re going to use it to load data asynchronously. For the sake of simplicity, we will emulate loading over the network using a predefined value and delay().
As the name implies, delay() suspends execution of the operators’ chain for a specified time, we’re using 1 second here.
function load(): Observable<number[]> {
return of([ 1, 2, 3 ]).pipe(
Now let’s take out load() function and put it inside switchMap().
switchMap() creates a stream each time it receives a value. If at the moment of receiving a new message, it’s already working on the message, it ends the old stream.
load$: Observable<Action> =
switchMap(() => load())
Currently, load$ stream returns data from load() function, and so we can finally create load success command with our data residing in payload property. We will use map() to achieve that.
map() takes data from a stream, changes it and then returns back changed to the stream.
load$: Observable<Action> =
switchMap(() => load()),
map((data): Action => ({
type: 'load success',
payload: data
So, we have an effect that receives command, loads data and returns it in the right form.
Getting everything together
Before we will move to the implementation of load success command, we need to make some changes. We should remove direct dependency between state$ and actions$. It can be done by creating new dispatcher$ stream that just merges all messages from state$ and load$. Here comes the last operator in this post: merge().
merge() takes messages from all streams and puts them into one stream which it returns.
dispatcher$: Observable<Action> = merge(actions$, load$);
To put everything together, we’re replacing actions$ stream with dispatcher$.
function stateReducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
// ...
case 'load success':
return {
items: action.payload,
loading: false
// ...
state$: Observable<ItemsState> =
Error processing
And one more important point is the correct error handling. Let’s make a request that will continually return an error. To do this, create a new function loadWithError(), which will emulate an error when loading with the same delay of 1 second.
timer() starts the execution of the stream after the specified time, in our case after 1 second.
switchMapTo() does a switch to the stream, in our case we simply return the stream with an error.
throwError() creates a stream with an error.
function loadWithError() {
return timer(1000).pipe(
switchMapTo(throwError('Something wrong!'))
Let’s hook it into our load$ effect, and use the catchError() operator for error handling.
catchError() is triggered if the stream completes with an error and allows it to be processed.
* Wrong code (!)
const load$ =
switchMap(() => loadWithError()),
map((data) => ({
type: 'load success',
payload: data
catchError((error) => of({
type: 'load failed',
payload: error
* Wrong code (!)
And we will process the received command with an error in our stateReducer(). Note that after load initialization we reset the error.
function stateReducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case 'load':
return {
error: null,
loading: true
// ...
case 'load failed':
return {
error: action.payload,
loading: false
// ...
As you can see, the effect works only once, although three commands are sent to download. This is due to the fact that the flow with the effect of load$ ends and no longer receives commands. Let’s fix it. To do this, we need to transfer the processing of data load and error handling under switchMap().
const load$ =
switchMap(() =>
map((data) => ({
type: 'load success',
payload: data
catchError((error) => of({
type: 'load failed',
payload: error
Now our errors are processed correctly, and the flow with the effect does not end after errors. Cheers!
This is not a production-ready solution but even in the current state, it provides much more freedom than existing tools!
For RxJS newbies, try other operators with this solution or writing your own, select() for example.
Also, note that every screenshot in this post has the link to rxviz.com, RxJS playground.
A complete solution on stackblitz.com.

You can always contact me in the telegram.
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter, GitHub, and Medium, 💖Clap Clap 🦄 this story!
Top comments (2)
Yeah when they say rxjs has a learning curve...
rxjs is awesome to use ^^
a little hard to learn yep, but it's worth