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Unicode Text Converter v1.0

🎉 Initial Release 🎉

We are excited to announce the first release of the Unicode Text Converter! This tool allows you to convert text into different Unicode styles such as bold, italic, and more.


  • Text Conversion:

    • Convert plain text to bold.
    • Convert plain text to italic.
    • Combined bold and italic conversions (note: for custom styles).
  • User Interface:

    • Simple and intuitive design.
    • Real-time updates as you type.
    • Easy copy buttons for converted text.

How to Use

  • Input Text:
    Enter the text you want to convert in the input area.

  • View Conversions:
    See the converted text in the bold and italic sections.

  • Copy Text:
    Click the copy button to copy the converted text to your clipboard.


The project is deployed and accessible via GitHub Pages.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request.


Developed by Farhan Ellahi
Company: Nanosoft


Project Repository
Live Demo

Full Changelog:

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