DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v114 staff on March 03, 2021

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
choryfdieg profile image
Diego García (chory)

Hello everyone, I'm Diego Garcia. I live in Colombia. I am a full stack developer and I really love JavaScript. Currently I use React.js and Node.js in my projects and I'm enjoying that so much.
I hope to have a good time here learning and maybe working together.

See you,

coreylianez profile image

Hey Diego, so I see you love JavaScript and I'm about to move on to learn it. If I have any questions do you think I could run them by you?

edeced profile image

Hi Corey & Diego, I've just finished a certificate course on full stack development and love to learn more by working with and helping others. Please ask also me any questions as I'm aggressively seeking more experience. Happy coding!

Thread Thread
codebyulad profile image
Mbah Favour

Thank you...I'd love to ask...I'm pretty much still a baby in JS

choryfdieg profile image
Diego García (chory)

Of course don't hesitate to ask me.
If I don't have the answer, we'll get help: D

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coreylianez profile image

Hahah sounds good! I tried my hand at JavaScript with things like Grasshopper and a few hours put into a Udemy course that covered some JavaScript. I'll let you know if I get stumped

karenpoveda29 profile image
Karen Poveda L.

Hi Diego, I'm also from Colombia. It's really nice to find paisanos por estos lados 😅. I'm just starting in this web dev world and join this community a few days ago. Welcome!

choryfdieg profile image
Diego García (chory)

Hi Karen. Genial ! Me alegra saludar paisanos por aqui :D
Thanks, I hope we can help each other and learn a lot together here. Where are you from ?
I live near to Pereira, there are a great dev community here.

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karenpoveda29 profile image
Karen Poveda L.

I'm from Bogotá. I'm currently reviewing some HTML and CSS. Hoping to start JS soon.

david_crom profile image
David mottershead

Great to be hear your finding Node.js I'm very interested as well.

lorenzoblog profile image

Welcome Diego!

sally_bak_ profile image

Hi Diego =) Cool! what are you building? I wanna hear more about what you are working on.

choryfdieg profile image
Diego García (chory)

Hi sally !
I am working on a company asset request and purchasing management project. This is a large company with many service areas and this process is a bit difficult and time consuming at the moment. We mainly use Node.js, React.js and mongoDB.

coreylianez profile image

Hey! I'm Corey and I joined in hoped of learning more about web development and design! I wanted to be apart of a community with like minded people who I could bounce ideas off of and grow with! I'm currently practicing my HTML and CSS before I move on to JavaScript. I'd like to get a good handle on these two languages before moving on. Can't wait to get to know some of you! Happy coding!

lorenzoblog profile image

Hello and welcome!

Maybe you are interested in this article with lots of HTML, CSS, and Javascript cheat sheets:

karenpoveda29 profile image
Karen Poveda L.

Hey Corey, welcome! I joined this community a few days ago. I'm also studying HTML and CSS at the moment. It's hard to know when it's "enough knowledge" to move on to JS.

coreylianez profile image

You know I've struggled with this as well. I'm doing freecodecamp and I'm making sure I take my time on the projects at the end of the Responsive Web Design course (HTML and CSS). I've learned so far in life and other things there's sometimes a point you just make the decision to move on to the next thing. The way I see it is coding is like a never ending open book test hahaha. Some take longer some move quicker, but you all have the same resources available and the answers are always there for reference. Hope that helps Karen ☺️ Happy Coding!

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karenpoveda29 profile image
Karen Poveda L.

Great advice. You're absolutely right. What have you thought for JS?

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coreylianez profile image

Karen, I've mainly been using Freecodecamp and just following their curriculum. I've really enjoyed it so far. I also use SoloLearn on my phone so when I'm out and about and have some time to kill a do a few things on there. Like it's been a bit since I've gone through HTML. I use it in projects of course but I like to use the SoloLearn app as a refresher when on the go. It has JS as well. I'm more of a give me the curriculum and I'll follow it, but then I'll explore more during projects. 😆

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karenpoveda29 profile image
Karen Poveda L.

You know, lately I've seen a lot of people mentioning free code camp, so I'm actually gonna check it out. Just like you I prefer to have the curriculum to follow and know where I'm going and then expand and learn more things as a practice on a project

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coreylianez profile image

Let me know how it goes! I think it's pretty neat. There's other things out there a friend just recommended it to me!

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karenpoveda29 profile image
Karen Poveda L.

I'd love to know what those are! Can't afford courses so I'm looking for free material hehe. Any recommendation to begin with JS?

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coreylianez profile image

So just Google freecodecamp all as one word. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post links so find freecodecamp with .org. it should be like the first result. I haven't started their JS course yet, I'll probably mess with it tonight. Give that a try!

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karenpoveda29 profile image
Karen Poveda L.

Oh that's great! Let me know what you think. I expect to begin with JS next week. After I finish a review that I'm doing of some CSS topics. It'd be great to have someone doing it at the same time. Is that something that would interest you?

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coreylianez profile image

Yes, that sounds great! I will be starting it tonight so click my name and select follow. Than I believe we can DM rather than extend this thread :)

terrywo50715928 profile image
Terry Woods

That’s where I’m at. They say know html and css before starting JS but how much. Struggling to get VS Code working to use as IDE.

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karenpoveda29 profile image
Karen Poveda L.

I looked through several resources and made a list of the most important topics for CSS. Then I started reviewing each one with enough info that I am able to apply the concept. However, with CSS I learnt more by doing a project and searching the things I didn't know as a was doing it.

pavithramanojkumar profile image
Pavithra Manoj Kumar

Hey.. I'm Pavithra. Good to see such like minded people coming together into a community. Feel free to reach out to me if you need some basic help with javascript or its libraries and frameworks like React , Angular etc.

I am new to this community as well. Lets welcome each other :)

Happy coding!

mikeywastaken profile image

Heyo! 👋🏽

I'm mikey, and I'm a 13 year old Python defloper! (yes, defloper) I love to code, and spend my free time making flask servers and Discord bots. You could probably catch me watching Nichijou for the 10th time, playing Rocket League, or coding something random! My latest project is a cryptography Discord bot! You can find links on my profile page.

Talk to you later,

lorenzoblog profile image

You play rocket league? You absolutely must write to me in private. We already have two passions in common!

tankerguy1917 profile image

What does defloper mean

mikeywastaken profile image

Lol it's developer I just say defloper though

tankerguy1917 profile image
tankerguy1917 • Edited

Hello, I'm tankerguy1917. I live in the southwest Washington state, and I'm 16 years old as of posting this and I am learning Python/Pygame. As of posting this, I am working on a game engine made in pygame (its just classes). I code on a website called, since IDEs are "so terrible" on my school computer, or at least the district seems to think.

sachindas246 profile image

Hello World!❤️, My name is Sachin Das, From India 🇮🇳 , I started program in cpp in my schooling ( nothing more than some cout << ) , got some idea about electronics in college, done an event in clg, for which I learnt python 🐍( 🤦‍♂️) And got here when I searched " BUILD YOUR OWN OS " in DuckduckGo . I m very happy to find this type of community exists , love u all

jcoleman profile image
Jason Coleman

Hello everyone, I am Jason Coleman. I live in New York, and am working on learning full-stack development, with this I would like to run my own freelance web development company remotely. I have been working on or in computers since I was 7 years old and have had some programing experience in college. I used to do web design, on the side of my main career and want to utilize those skills in development.

I used to work in coffee and was a head roaster for a know coffee brand in NYC but covid claimed my job. I have always been interested in working in web design, development, and Ui/UX design. I have worked on programing mods for video games but that was mainly only scratching the surface! I am not sure what language that was, I assume it was C++ but it could have been C#.

I am here to learn and alter my career permanently!

raphaelpinel profile image
Raphaël Pinel

Hello everyone. Happy to join the community. I am French living in Finland and work as a full stack web and mobile developer, developing currently websites with React, mobile apps with React Native, exploring native iOS and Android, and a touch of C#, .NET and Azure.

pankajpatel profile image
Pankaj Patel

Hey Raphaël 👋

Welcome to

max81coding profile image
Anthony Maxwell

Hi there!

I’m Anthony, but people call me either Max or Ant, I’m not precious about it! I’m writing this on March 2nd 2021 and in a few short months I will be 40 years old. So, I wont lie, the idea of turning 40 terrifies me, and also pisses me off, because of the ongoing covid-19 pandemic, I will probably end up having a low-key birthday. Never mind. I currently work as Bid and Framework Manager at ANS Group, in Manchester. A fantastic place to work and I’m very happy there, and every evening once I’ve closed my work laptop, I boot up Linux and learn to code.

So it’s 2021 and I’m turning 40 and for the last few years there are a few things I wanted to do, the first was meditate, so I meditate several times a week to calm my already busy mind, and the second thing was that I wanted to learn to code, so I have taken on the challenge and about 4 weeks ago I enrolled in The Odin Project and have started learning full stack web development! The Odin project is great, because it doesn’t try and reinvent the wheel, and if another online resource is already doing a good job of teaching a subject, Odin will say ‘go over here and do these lessons, come back when you’re done’ and so I’ve been doing activities and challenges through freeCodeCamp and using YouTube.

I am an old school learner, what gamers may call a “boomer” and that’s fine – so I’m also cementing my understanding with a few courses through Udemy thanks to Traversy Media. Brad there is an incredible teacher, so armed with my trusty parker pen I’ve been taking notes and then putting my learning into practice and I think the basics are now sinking in.

I also have keen interest in Machine Learning, I think it's fascinating, but I need to learn to walk before I can run!

terrychild profile image
Terry Child

As someone who turned 39 a month ago I feel your fear. I'm not ready yet!

Have fun learning to code. I'll keep an eye open for your posts, I'm interested to see what resources helped you the most.

max81coding profile image
Anthony Maxwell

Hey, Terry! Thanks for your message. I'm about to post something about my resources now, which I hope you find useful! Stay safe!

terrywo50715928 profile image
Terry Woods

Prior to COVID I spent a few weeks in Grasmere every year before calving. Cheers.

_ankitchawla_ profile image
Ankit Chawla

Namaste Devs!

if(post is Seen):
print("How r u guys doing?")

My Name is Ankit and I'm a 3rd year engineering student from India. I love to code in Python(mostly django) and Flutter ! I am currently enjoying building my new projects in Python and Flutter. Happy to be here !

lorenzoblog profile image


daikw profile image
Daiki Watanabe

Hello, I'm Daiki from Tokyo, Japan. I really enjoy hardware computing with Arduino & Raspberry-pi, and offensive-security with Kali linux (on raspi). Great respects for the shoulders of giants, and off course for this community!

cswalker21 profile image

Hello, I'm Chris, from Colorado, USA. I've had a 20+ year "tech-adjacent" career. I always worked with developers, as a business analyst, tech support specialist, software tester, QA analyst, and for the past 10 years as an instructional designer/e-learning developer. I always wanted to be a programmer, but never quite became one.

I had several false starts where I took classes and/or followed books and tutorials with a mind toward becoming a developer every few years: first with C++, then with .Net, then ASP, then PHP, then Python/Django, then Java, now Node.js.

I'd always get far enough to learn the rudiments and build some basic things, but before I got to the point of thinking I could do it for a living, life would get in the way, I'd get busy with other things, and just never get back to it.

So, who knows, maybe that will happen again, but for now I'm looking to get a second career as a full-stack developer using Node.js.

terrychild profile image
Terry Child

Hello everyone,

I'm Terry and I've been quietly reading since it was just a Twitter feed. I thought it was time to join in the conversation and so signed in and made my first post yesterday. Really pleased with my self.

I'm based in the UK and have been a professional developer since 2007, before that I was an admin who wrote a lot of scripts and tools, before that I was a kid in a bedroom with a computer and a Sam's Teach Your Self C in 21 Days book.

I focus mainly on web app development with a Domino back end. I don't see a lot of Domino content on, but I look forward to sharing my thoughts and adventures with you.


youcancallmestevie profile image
youCanCallMeStevie • Edited

Hi There, I am an American living in London. I am about to complete my MERN-stack master camp (much, much more than a boot camp) and need to prep myself for the new industry! I am looking to get involved and would like to know more. Can I post anything of interest? Can posts be short, image lead or is it more article-based (read as: Medium)? How is best to get active in this community?

I have a study account on Instagram if you'd like to learn more about my fav JS & CSS discoveries (this will always be expanding):

I look forward to engaging more!

Cheers, Stephanie

chriscorchado125 profile image

Hi, my name is Chris Corchado and I live in northern New Jersey USA. I joined after reading the following article: from Matt E. Patterson. That article led me to his profile on here so I decided to join because I'd also like to share, stay up-to-date and grow my career too.

erincodes profile image
Erin Murphy

Hey, I'm Erin, a South African living in NYC. Computer Science 2020 graduate and avid PC gamer (MTG, OW, LoL, WoW, COD).

I am still searching for a job and spend most of my time working on portfolio projects. I do a lot of C++ programming and web development using HTML, CSS, JS, Flask, and PostgreSQL. Recently I have been learning React.js and node.js as they seem to be very in demand.

I joined this community to learn new things, get industry inspiration, and possibly collaborate with some of you talented humans!

Happy coding ♥

rccsilva profile image
Rafael Coelho

Hello, I'm Rafael and I live in Brazil. I come from a non-math / non-engineer background with a undergraduate degree in social science. Currently, I work as a software developer in a Brazilian company and I look forward to learn and, if possible, share the little knowledge I have with you =)

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
erincodes profile image
Erin Murphy

Welcome, Aaron!

Everything I know about web development is self taught so I’m always looking for new resources to help me in my journey. Thank you for mentioning The Odin Project, it looks awesome and I’m totally gonna try it out!

Happy learning! :)

karenpoveda29 profile image
Karen Poveda L.

Hey Aaron, welcome! I'm also currently on HTML and CSS. Thank you for mentioning the Odin Project, I'll definitely check it out. I can't afford any courses so I'm always on the lookout for free resources.

bluewater0506 profile image

Hello, Everyone. I am ilya and live in Ukraine. PHP developer and learning Js framework.
Hope to have a good time and learn about web development.
want good relation with you and make many friends.
Thank you

sucharita profile image

Hello Everyone, I'm Sucharita. I'm from India.
I'm a Salesforce Defloper (😅). Trying to understand JS bit more here.
Hope to have great time, learning new things and help community to make it a better place.

Happy Coding!

bentechcoder profile image
Benjamin Lebron

Hello everyone! I'm Ben, a Student learning to be a Full-Stack web developer, I want to learn how to code so I can make a living and help non-profits and volunteer at an organization with my skills. Thanks for welcoming me to the community!

ofelix03 profile image
Felix Otoo • Edited

Hi everyone, I'm Felix Otoo. I'm a developer currently working for a petroleum company
in Ghana. I work mostly with Python, Angular, Flask API, Fast API, PostgreSQL.

I look forward to sharing my insight and also learning from other developers on this awesome platform.

tomsapletta profile image
Tom Sapletta • Edited

Hi, I am looking for an experts in microfrontends, modularity, functionality

tselawi profile image
tariq selawi

Hello everyone, I'm Tariq Selawi. i live in Belguim. I'm junior web developer trainee @Becode. I would like to learn more about coding such as JavaScript, React.Js, React-native cross platform for mobile app, php, Wordpress, Python, Angular.js & vus.js

Have a nice day!

kkennedy profile image

Hello Dev Community, I was referred here by a education contact. I'm currently in Seattle, WA. I'm excited to be learning and sharing with fellow developers/IT professionals! Some of my interests at the moment are: Linux, opensource projects, Python, C, C+, bash, and some Networking.

jasvir_jas17798 profile image
Jasvir Singh

Hello everyone, I'm Jasvir. I live in Punjab, India. I am aspiring Web Developer, currently working on Laravel and learning Magento 2 side by side. I want to become Full Stack Developer. I am happy to be part of this community.

abhilashaarohi profile image

Hello everyone, I'm Abhilasha Arohi from India. I joined this community today only. I have recently started learning HTML & CSS from Coursera and working on it. Planning to move on JS soon (after getting good grip at CSS & HTML). Apart from that I'm interested in competitive programming using languages C++ and Python.

I am just a coding noob and hoping to get better and better in it. Hoping a really nice journey here among y'all. Thanks to have me. Happy coding!

shivams136 profile image
Shivam Sharma

Hi all,
I'm Shivam Sharma from India. I am an innovative developer who is currently working in PHP full-stack. I want to learn more and more and become very helpful to everyone. I like teaching and that's why I am here, to share my learning, my ideas, and my experience.

cryptohomegirl profile image

Greetings from The Bluegrass State! Coil led me here as I was reading blogs on how to set up my Flare Network Beta test node using Node.js. I'm currently learning Python & working on micro credentials on Station X Cyber Security school platform. When I'm not LARPing on CT, I am working on my urban farm or TA for my crypto bags. Looking forward to learning & growing my dev skills.

iam_vimalmenon profile image
Vimal Menon

Hello everyone.

My name is Vimal Menon. I am a Youtuber and a full-stack developer. I juggle between my job and creating content for my YouTube channel. I make video tutorials on various programming languages and planning to cover a wide range of topics. You can find links to my YouTube channel on my profile page.
I am excited and happy to join the community.

muaznadeem profile image
Sheikh Muaz

Hi Everyone, I am a Digital Marketer and currently providing my services as a Freelancer.

I was scrolling through Facebook and when I saw a post in which the person was telling about this site.
I immediately searched for this and now, I am also a part of it.

I will write my first post tomorrow and hope that you will like it!

It's amazing to be a part of new community.

See you soon!🙂

callie profile image
Callie, horse boy

Hi, I'm Callie! I live in Seattle, WA, where I work for the evil empire writing JavaScript (mostly React/TypeScript). I've read a few articles here and am looking forward to possibly contributing and getting to know people!

ichangemymind profile image

Hi, you can call me iChange. I'm lazy script kiddies that love to take Shortcuts and create a straightforward script using any language that takes at least half a brain cells to write, so I can procrastinate and start doing another project that I don't know if it will be finished or not.

rajatgupta24 profile image
Rajat Gupta

Hi everybody, I'm Rajat from India. I'm a college student, a full stack developer, use JavaScript, React, Nodejs and many more. Currently working on improving my coding efficiency & quality.
I really like to know about new tech & tools, and I hope I get to learn a lot from here.

jlivingstonsg profile image

Hello. Magnus here from Sweden. Code holonomic telerobots for games.
I also love 3D Tetris game called BlockOut and have now my own browser version for any device.
I have a global scoreboard there. Love Tech in any form.

hwoodiwiss profile image
Hugo Woodiwiss

Hi Everyone, I'm Hugo Woodiwiss. I'm a full-stack developer by trade (Azure,, Angular, TypeScript), and a low-level, games and graphics developer by passion (Mainly C++ and HLSL). Looking to use Rust for some cool games and graphics projects!

karenpoveda29 profile image
Karen Poveda L. • Edited

Hi everybody. I'm Karen. I'm from Colombia. I'm 29 ys/o and I want to switch careers from teaching English to Web development. People say it's never too late to transition into tech (I'm kinda counting on it). Anyway, I'm currently learning HTML and CSS. Joined the community to find other people to learn from but mostly just to share the frustrations and the victories in this journey. Feel free to reach out. I'd really love that. 😁

obedav profile image

Greeting my name is David, I am a sales professional, but I love coding. I have finished a full-stack developer certificate. I have fallen in love with coding and willing to broaden my knowledge on this platform.


gabrielnunes profile image
Gabriel Nunes

Hello! I'm Gabriel Nunes and I live in Brazil.

I work with React Native, also have a solid experience in code interfaces with html/css. I am a little bit designer to. I am the founder of Codecon to, a conference for dev here in Brazil.

My website is

obedav profile image

Hello, my name is David. I am from Nigeria, l am a sales professional, but now fall in love with web development. I have finished full stack developer certificate, and still want to learn more. I really want to be well granded in web development.
I believed to learn more on this platform.


php_akash profile image
Akash Kumar

Hi Everyone,

I am Akash from India. I am working on company as a Sr. PHP developer. Currently I am learning node JS. I want to change my career from PHP tech stack to MERN stack.

Looking forward to learn new new things here.

Thank you

somnonaut profile image
Claude Albertario

A veteran sleep technologist in NYC/LI providing pediatric sleep testing in an Academic setting. Back in 1989 I used proprietary medical recording tools at my disposal at the time to extract second by second EEG data and was able to manipulate such in Excel enabling peer reviewed publication on a algorithm creating a second by second metric of sleep/wake from a single channel of EEG. I open-sourced the algorithm and have a few takers providing other open-source makers to create but I am really looking to build a suite of tools to allow anyone to open European Data Files (EDF) of Sleep recordings or EEG recordings to provide z-ratio and other analyses.
Where do I start?
Back in 2018 I volunteered the concept for inclusion in a Cornell (I work at Weill Cornell Medicine) Hackathon. The team was instructed to use R (by a guru) to open EDF files and compute z-ratio. I had nothing to do with any actual coding. These were senior medical students and graduate students involved with the project randomly assigned to our group (as I am sure you are all familiar how a hackathon works.) Well, we came in 2nd and disbanded, as everyone moved on/graduated etc. I was left with an R routine that I have no idea how it functions or if it works. I am not even sure if that is a starting point or not. I just need help getting this thing going, as I am not getting younger, so before I die I am looking for guidance on how to proceed and how to cobble a team together, and any help is appreciated.

muhammedalaakanzari profile image

Hello everyone 😁, I'm Muhammed Alaa Kanzari .I live in Tunisia. I'm a university student and i found about dev not long ago through some really interesting articles so i decided to join this wonderful community hopefully to learn from them and maybe eventually to work some mini projects 😄.Im currently trying to learn about lots of fields so i don't have a preference yet but i like to be more of a versatile person rather than to focus on a specific field

venkatranabothu profile image
venkat-ranabothu • Edited

Hi peeps, this is Venkat. I'm a Software Engineer from Bangalore, India. My primary area of work includes Java, Spring boot and AWS. Most of my time goes into the cloud space, playing with different AWS services, and I absolutely love it. Looking forward to sharing and receiving ideas.


oluedgar profile image

Hi everyone, Edgar Olu from Nairobi Kenya. Been stuck on CSS for a while now & sort of dropped coding, but I wanna make it a habit and get better at coding. Any help/insights will be highly appreciated.

mateuszklimek profile image
Mateusz Klimek

Hello everyone! I'm Mateusz, I've worked on data (with Python, Spark, ElasticSearch) last couple years. Currently I'm building open-source tool for monitoring all your tables in Postres/MySQL/Bigquery and others :) You can see it here:

See you! :)

jidanswfs profile image

Hey all! I just find out this precious space for development stuff! I am actually a very beginner in development, what I know is html, css, some js and bootstrap. I am a UX designer who want to learn more on development! Recently I am trying to find a solution(I want to escape from Wordpress!!): How to convert my html static pages to CMS website. I have compared Craft CMS, Twill, Statamic and ExpressionEngine, but still not sure which is best suitable for me who have limited skills on this language. So good luck for me!! XD

jogii profile image

Hello people of earth, i came here to sharpen my Javascript skills. Have been a web developer since past 7 years but still does not hold much confidence.. need help and learning path..i hope i find it here.. :P

senpai profile image
Dinitha Kulasooriya

Hello!! I'm Dini. I'm from Srilanka. I am a undergrad in Software Eng. I found this place when I was searching how to learn Java and Python at the same time. Actually I have Java, Python, JavaScript, SQL to learn kind of at the same time. I'm new to everything so It's crushing me. I found to way to continue java and python here. So hopefully I'll find a way to get my degree while maintaining my sanity.

la_coder profile image
Dave Wilson

Hi everyone, my name is Dave Wilson and I am on the journey of becoming a frontend developer. I am currently learning React and will be taking on Context API and Redux next on. I really do hope to learn quite a lot and meet some amazing people here in the community.

musabmahmoodh profile image

Hello everyone, I am Mus'ab mahmood, a computer science undergraduate and really loves to find solutions for challenging real world problems. I am more familiar with js stacks, python and java.
I hope to have a good time here learning and maybe working together.

edwteja2198 profile image

Hello I am Edwin Tejada, I am a graphic/web designer graduated last year from a College in Canada, I like Code in HTML, CSS and would like to learn to do more, I love video games, my favourite is For Honor. I also like sports like Football and UFC. I hope to meet more passionate people in the future.

t_stark profile image

Hi guys I'm Timmy and I'm a backend engineer that loves web development, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. I majorly use C++ and JavaScript I'd love to share much of my knowledge here and also learn from everyone here.

aastronautgirl profile image
Aleja Henao Espitia

Hello everyone, I'm Aleja. I live in Colombia. I am a full stack student and I really love programming. Currently I'm learning JavaScript with some projects and I'm enjoying that so much.

If I can help you or learn from you it could be a pleasure <3

trung_do_92526d00e9f08f00 profile image
Trung Do

Hi all
Im trungdovi from vietnam. I have been working as web developer for nearly 10years.
I know from one of my friend and after i checkout some posts, it is interesting and i register account here right away. Hope to learn something useful for my careerpath and contribute sth back to this community

essofyany profile image
essofyany • Edited

Hello community, I'm Bilal Essofyany from Morocco.
I'm a front-end dev, I love everything about Js and React. Currently, I'm learning GraphQL, apollo-(client/server) and I plan to build some projects with them, I hope u guys help me when I get stuck hhhhhhh :D.

Happy coding!

mr_eshun_cashes profile image

High everyone, my name is Ken from Ghana and I am a self taught web developer and trying my possible best to understand JavaScript very well. Hope y'all ready to help me achieve my aim of becoming one of you? Thanks...

sally_bak_ profile image

Hi👋 I am Sally, building a Clubhouse for remote teams, bringing people together briefly, whether it’s a quick question or a longer discussion. Drop-in audio for work, It’s the easiest way to spark a quick conversation with a single click.

zakariaels profile image

Hello everybody, I'm Zakaria from Paris.

I am a Full Stack Web Developer passionate about building scalable web applications, creating effective solutions, and learning every day to grow professionally in the IT field.

Looking forward to discussing interesting subjects and progressing together.

Happy coding!

novicecoder profile image

Hello Lovely Coders I'm prem living and working in Singapore, I am an IT infra professional turned cloud architect certified in AWS and GCP, I enjoy playing around with cloud console ( of course in nonprod env) haven't really tried coding in my career and had just started with python and go and I should say it's my " newfoundlove" hope to learn from like-minded people , feel free to ping me if I can be of any help

veprimk profile image
Veprim Krasnici

Hello Devs!

I'm a network engineer and network automation enthusiast. I like writing code in python mainly network-related stuff.

Looking forward to learning new things in this community :)


pepple001 profile image

Hi,I'm Pepple,I got this desire that burns when it comes to coding,but I don't really have the basic,so decided to make a research and I discovered this platform,and after seeing great works by the users I was attracted to it,and due to my kind of person(high interest in learning)I felt like I decide to be here..

pavithramanojkumar profile image
Pavithra Manoj Kumar

Hi everyone,

I am Pavithra. I am a web developer and have been working extensively on React and other javascript libraries and frameworks like Angular. Right now I am exploring different paths to improve myself in these areas and hopefully joining this amazing community is the way forward and we can help each other by working on fun projects and discussing various things together.

Please feel free to discuss with me on anything :)


dikadj profile image
Primadika Dwijantara

Hi, I'm Dika from Indonesia. I'm a frontend developer and also a graphic designer. I’m mostly working around React JS and the latest version of Bootstrap. It was not a smooth sailing but it's been a great journey. I hope that I can be part of this community and get to know you guys. \/(^,^)

scottybeameup profile image

Hello World
In my professional life I serve as a business technology professional. I've been called an implementation analyst, a Business Systems Analyst or a Product Manager would best define what I do.

I was recently introduced to Python and Julia in 2020. I have very lofty dreams of using Python to write algorithms that may make my life easier and I'm deeply intrigued by all things Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Block Chain. I grasp these concepts at a pretty high level but I'm really interested in digging in to better understand my limitations and the limitations of these technologies.

Feel free to follow me if you're a developer working on these types of projects. If you're also new to programming I'd love to connect as well. A special invite to my #Blackintech and #Afrotech comrades to connect with me. Frfr

I'll probably be a fly on the wall for while as I check out the community but I'm always open to making new friends.

syd95174 profile image

Hi, I'm Sydney. I'm a sophomore in college who recently switched majors to computer science. I've worked a little with a lot of coding languages and frameworks, and now I'm working on specializing in full-stack web development so I can create a portfolio and hopefully get out into the field with an internship asap! I joined to interact with people who love coding as much as I do, and to learn more.

alekzen profile image
Alek Zen • Edited

I love data

cabralh profile image
Henry Cabral

Hi everyone! My name is Henry and I am interested in learning more about both front & backend technologies. Currently, I use React.js for personal projects. Looking to connect and meet more like-minded individuals who want to work on innovative ideas.

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Welcome to DEV!!!

alanmarinho1 profile image
Alan Marinho

Hi people! I'm Alan Marinho and a brazillian guy. Recently I change my vision about my IT area. Actualy I work in a support analist of ERP systems, but now I have changed my mind and I will start working in the Dev. I'm a computing degree student on a University Federal Rural of Pernambuco and have a some knowledge in Java, C and C++, but I will start courses in Python and Full Stack development. I wish know more about Dev world with you guys!

muhammedalaakanzari profile image

Hello everyone, I'm Muhammed Alaa Kanzari . I live in Tunisia.Im currently at universisty .I Joined after reading some articles that I found really interesting .Im really passionate about learning and I would love to learn from all of you 😀

shiftalt3 profile image
Wale King

Hello everyone, I'm Wale King . Based in Lagos ,Nigeria . I started a project on An open API to developers ,fintechs or banks that provides data to power real time credit.The target is the credit invisible customers (underbanked). Looking for technical assistance , feel free to contact me .

muditwt profile image
Mudit Mishra

Hey everyone, I'm Mudit Mishra. I am from India. I am a freshman pursuing CS, I like making stuff and exploring new domains. As of now, I am a beginner learning frontend web dev and C++. I am also interested in writing and graphic design. I am newbie and looking forward to learn from this beautiful community.

gonesau profile image
Esaú González

Hello! I'm Esaú González, I live in El Salvador, I've just joined and I hope learning more about web development and design!
Currently I'm just a Informatic engineering student therefore I don't have experience as developer but I'm so excited to learn about this world.

karanchoudhary profile image
Karan Choudhary • Edited

Hey folks, I am Karan Choudhary. A web developer who really loves JavaScript. Looking forward to learn a lot from you.

lorenzoblog profile image

Hello and welcome!
I'm 15 too. Would you like to chat a bit in private? If yes follow me so I can write you.

lerato029 profile image

Hi everyone I am Lerato Mokgwabona from South Africa.

I am currently changing careers from Architecture to being Front-End Developer and UI designer. I enjoy CSS and Javascript. Hope to learn from professionals involved in the same work.

bron10 profile image
Bruno Dmello

Hello everyone, I am Bruno Dmello, working as a Fullstack developer, at TruckX. I am javascript enthusiastic and has always been a Startup contributor. I think the way web technologies help us to build, connect and serve is just awesome. Currently, I am focusing more on learning devops tools and managing my way to make my first open source contribution ;)

Trilled to join DEV and learn something new with all of you..

matheusbeaumord profile image
Matheus Beaumord

Hello everyone, I am Matheus Beaumord, and I study to become a Full Stack developer.
I'm entering this world of JavaScript, Node, SQL and Mongo!

luciaexpofer profile image
Lucia Expósito Fer

Hi, I'm new here!
I am a last year student from Computer Science and I'm here to help and because I will need help this last year.

alpha_edit profile image

Hello World,
I am Codely (not my real name)
I live in Tamil Nadu, India
I am Learning Php and Python and JS

sekhar989 profile image
Krishnendu S. Kar

Hello everyone, this is Krish from India.
I'm not quite sure with the exact type/terminology of Dev/Engineer I should be calling myself, as There are quite a few areas I've gained exposure as well as interested in. 😅
Started with bachelor's electronics and instrumentation engineering, then in the Industry as an SAP BW Dev, followed by a Data Scientist role in my second job. Completed my Masters in Artificial Intelligence last year and currently I'm quite fascinated by languages like, JavaScript( the MERN stack + Electron), as well as low level languages like C++ and Rust.

Mostly I work in Python but also have done some work in R. Just here to be a part of the fantastic Dev community and connect with the amazing people who form this community.

That's all for now. 😃 ✌🏼!!

benjithorpe profile image
Benjamin Thorpe

Hello everyone, I'm Benjamin from Sierra Leone.
I'm a student looking to become a very goo Backend Developer, currently learning JavaScript and Java

seblandwehr profile image
Sebastian Landwehr

Hey folks, a big hi! from me as well. I'm Sebastian Landwehr, a web developer from Bonn in Germany. I'm mainly into JavaScript and developing web apps and open-source packages. For the web apps I'm mainly using Nuxt.js and depending on the project Firebase as a backend. I've also published some useful Nuxt.js modules, in case someone is interested :). The next days I'll hopefully find some time to write some posts. Looking forward to get in contact with you all! 🥳

martin_hamukwaya_24f85b80 profile image
Martin Hamukwaya

Hey Everyone.

I am Martin Hamukwaya from Namibia I am into Infosec. I would ideally like to become pen-tester.

I wish to get your support on this journey. I am a beginner and anything you can do to help me, I will appreciate.

jeissonflorez29 profile image
Jeisson Florez

Hello there! 👋 I'm Jeisson, I'm a Colombian living in Spain, I work as a Software engineer on the backend side and I joined to dev (even though being a begginer at writting ) to share experiences about the daily basis, talk about tech, and learn from this incredible community.

guruthecoder profile image

Hello everyone, I'm Guru. I live in Saudi Arabia. I am a full stack developer. Currently I use Django in my projects and I'm enjoying it!
See ya!

mariusangelescu profile image

Hey! I'm Marius. I live in Romania. I joined in hoped of learning more about web development and design! I wanted to be apart of a community. I'm currently practicing my HTML and CSS before I move on to JavaScript. I'd like to get a good handle on these two languages before moving on. Happy coding!

yukikimoto profile image
Yuki Kimoto

I'm Yuki Kimoto.

I use Perl and Mojolicious.

In Dev community first tag selection, I can't find perl tag, althought I found python and ruby.

prakesh120 profile image

I am new to dev community.Interested in knowing more about Azure, AWS, python, spark, IT Project Management. Lets share knowledge.

emejinglilcompany profile image

hei guys, I'm abednego from indonesia.
i just started to learn about everything, wish me luck :)
and thanks for having me.


theodous profile image
david anastasiadis

hello friends i'm David form Tbilisi Georgia.I'm beginner developer in web

harsh-h-shah profile image
Harsh Shah

Hey everyone, I am Harsh Shah. I live in Mumbai, India. I am new to programming but I am exploring my interest and I would love to interact and learn from everyone.
Thank you!

curtcurt871 profile image

Great to be here with you guys and hopefully we can learn more and share more knowledge

shalomtou profile image
Shalom Touitou

Hello guys, my name is Shalom I'm from Tel Aviv Israel Web / Full-stack developer for a voice company.
MERN stack and learning new architectural patterns.
Happy to be here :)

thompsonmina profile image

Hello everyone, I'm Mina from Nigeria. I am a backend python developer and I'm looking forward to being an active member of the community.

peregrifalc profile image

Hi all guys, I'm newbie here and my name is Richard, I'm student. I'm learning python and like Javascript

walidulhasan profile image
Walidulhasan boniamin


compucademy profile image

HI Guys. CS educator and Pythonista here. Looking to network and find brain food. Also share some of my content. Why is my avatar a unicorn? I mean it's cute n'all...

lorstenoplo profile image
Nishanth • Edited

I am lorstenoplo a full stack developer who just knows nodejs, graphql, nextjs, expo, firebase

Aiming to learn go, rust (actix-web) and c++

fatokitemi01 profile image

Hi, I am a Csharp Developer, but I want to know more about web development and also Artificial Intelligence

andreadcsousa profile image
Andrea Sousa

Hi, first time here. Starting studies in web development.

mjguerrap profile image


psico profile image
Joaquin Flores

Hi, everyone, Im Joaquin Flores. I live in Argentina, I am a student of html, python, css, js and cpp, i want to deepen in this languages and more how c#

rymar19617631 profile image

Hello i need someone who know C and to use ubuntu

pwaninja profile image

Hello Dev Community, here comes the PWAninja 🐱‍👤 ...

duynkvn profile image
Duy Nguyen

Hello guys! I'm from Vietnam. Happy to be here. I need to get back to code right now, so see you later.

jsrdesarrolloweb profile image

Hi everyone! I'm Jaime, i live in Spain.
Im on developing web apps, going deeper in JavaScript and Reactjs...Nice to be here :)

codebyulad profile image
Mbah Favour

Hello, my name is Favour. Currently learning python, JavaScript, Django and like to become a Full stack dev.Nice to meet y'all and hope to learn more.

soymikey profile image
Michael Zheng • Edited

Nice to meet everyone here, My name is Michael, I am from China. I am here to explore new tech and sharing my ideas to everyone~~ Enjoy Life and Happy Coding~~

gmoldoo56 profile image

Hello guys! I am George and I am in an adventure to learn C++, i like it and i want to make fun things with i:)

ebyjoan profile image

Hello, I'm Joan from Nigeria. Not yet a developer but learning and aspiring to become great soonest

mariovdm profile image

Hello everyone, hope this will be an exciting experience here for all!

03preetibharti profile image
Preeti Bharti

I am lazy coder

abubaka_afzal profile image
Abubakar Afzal

Hi everyone,
I'm Abubakar.I live in UAE and i am just a developer :)

yukikimoto profile image
Yuki Kimoto

Not only majority language, I'm enjoying Perl.

sky_hub_uap_tracker profile image
Skyhub UAP Tracker Information

Hello everyone, I'm Paul from Sky Hub UAP Tracker.
We welcome all developers at any stage in their career to participate in our AI / ML open source project.

terrywo50715928 profile image
Terry Woods

Hello there. Presently I’m a cheesemaker/herdsmen in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. I was the founder of several computer repair companies in a previous life. I want to try my hand at serious coding

menosvelasco profile image
Manuel velasco

Hi everyone, Manuel Velasco learning JS, and looking for my first job

sohilahmed profile image
Sohil Ahmed

hello all, I'm Sohil Ahmed having experience in the WinForms application a currently working on .net Core for web API and angular for front-end. I also expertise in SQL queries in SQL Server.

leodispatch profile image

Am glad to be here

zeolink profile image
Awonugba Isaac

Hello Everyone, I am Isaac. I am a Developer based in the United Kingdom

realkidaba profile image

Hello, am junior developer

mustafaeltalib profile image

Hello Everyone Hope We Can All Learn And Have a Great Time

laith00x profile image


cyra_erika profile image

Hi all, I am dhivya from India .Good to see all the like-minded people here. Feel free to reach me out

hyperreal64 profile image
Jeffrey Serio

Hi everyone! I’m Jeff, an aspiring Gopher, Pythonista, and Rustacean. I love automation, open source, and programming.

souraexx profile image
Souradeep Dutta

Hi all, I'm Sourae from India. I am a student and I am interested in Web Development~specially Front End. Really glad to be a part of a social media made just for developers. Great community!
See ya!