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Tic tac toe game with vanilla js

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Ok, i'll share how to make simple tic tac toe game with vanilla js.

How its work?

  • If player = x then player change to o
  • If clicked time more than equal 9 blocks disabled

Lets Do it!


<!DOCTYPE html>

  <style type="text/css" media="all">
    td {
      width: 100px;
      height: 100px;
      background: black;
      color: white;
      line-height: 100px;
      text-align: center;
      font-size: 3rem;
  <button type="submit">Reset</button>
  <table border="0">
      <td id="1"></td>
      <td id="2"></td>
      <td id="3"></td>
      <td id="4"></td>
      <td id="5"></td>
      <td id="6"></td>
      <td id="7"></td>
      <td id="8"></td>
      <td id="9"></td>

    const blocks = document.querySelector("table");
    const reset = document.querySelector("button");

    let selected = [];
    let player = '';

    blocks.addEventListener('click', (e)=> {
      if (selected.length <= 8) {
        let id =;
        player == 'O'?output(id, 'X'): output(id, 'O');

      selected.forEach(x => output(x,''));
      selected = [];

    function output(id, val) {
      player = val;
      document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = val;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

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