DEV Community

Tushar Agrawal
Tushar Agrawal

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Series Open CSS Loaders ["2. The Front End"]

This is Part-2 of the series for my entry in the hackathon.
Read the Part-1 here


Nothing much to document here. I had a basic design in my mind, I have to just get that working. Simple right.
The first thing was to get the html, CSS and basic Javascript running. Then I added all the ajax requests using jquery.
These I recycled from the first attempt at making the app.
The other thing did in the first attempt was using a syntax highlighter for all the textboxes. It was working fine, but then I came across ace.js, which is a full fledged IDE on the browser, so I started to implement that.
The docs are great and was easy to setup. But then I had to refactor a lot html and CSS so it took a lot of time.
The other thing I added was a function to like a loader. And in that it shows different icons when liked which I like personally.
Then there were some minor updates like a page theme toggle, an editor window toggle and some bug fixes.
Yeah that was it. Now had to deploy to the platform.

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