A piece of code that provide native support to the older browsers who does not have the support of modern functionalities of javascript is known as polyfill.
The forEach() executes the callback function on each element of array.
const names = ["ali", "hamza", "jack"];
function consoleFunc(x) {
// console
// ali hamza jack
Let's make its polyfill
Array.prototype.ourForEach = function (callBack) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
// console
// ali hamza jack
Array.prototype let use run our function on every array
this corresponds to the array
.map() is very much similar to .forEach() method, except, instead of returning items out of the array, it return the array itself
const users = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
function double(x) {
return x + x;
const newUsers = users.map(double);
// console
// [1, 4, 9, 8, 10]
Let's make its polyfill
const users = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
Array.prototype.ourMap = function (callBack) {
const newArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
return newArray;
// console
// [1, 4, 9, 8, 10]
.filter() decide what kind of items do we want in the resulting array.
const logicAlbums = [
name: "Bobby Tarantino",
rating: 5,
{ name: "The Incredible True Story", rating: 4.5 },
name: "Supermarket",
rating: 4.9,
name: "Neon",
rating: 4.2,
{ name: "Under Pressure", rating: 5 },
function greaterThan(x) {
return x.rating > 4.5;
const filtered = logicAlbums.filter(greaterThan);
// console
// [
// {name: "Bobby Tarantino", rating: 5},
// {name: "Supermarket", rating: 4.9},
// {name: "Under Pressure", rating: 5}
// ]
Let's make its polyfill
Array.prototype.ourFilter = function (callBack) {
let output = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (callBack(this[i])) {
return output;
// console
// [
// {name: "Bobby Tarantino", rating: 5},
// {name: "Supermarket", rating: 4.9},
// {name: "Under Pressure", rating: 5}
// ]
reduce() function is used to reduce the array to a single value.
not the exact definition, but we will consider this for sake of simplicity
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
function additionFunction(accumulator, current) {
accumulator = accumulator + current;
return accumulator;
const sum = numbers.reduce(additionFunction, 0);
// console
// 21
Let's make its polyfill
Array.prototype.ourReduce = function (callback, initialValue) {
var accumulator = initialValue === undefined ? undefined : initialValue;
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (accumulator !== undefined) {
accumulator = callback.call(undefined, accumulator, this[i], i, this);
} else {
accumulator = this[i];
return accumulator;
// console
// 21
Top comments (7)
Here's a simplified version of reduce, in case you found
accumulator = callback.call(undefined, accumulator, this[i], i, this);
difficult to understand:Well written article
great article 👍
Awesome Explanation !
accumulator = callback.call(undefined, accumulator, this[i], i, this);
Can you explain this line in a little detail, I find it a little difficult to grasp.
On MDN it says that the first arg passed to call is supposed to be thisArg (The value to use as this when calling func.) but you have passed undefined here.
It has to be object, only when you want that to be bound with that particular object,