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Cover image for Interesting IoT Facial Recognition Project
Vedurumudi Priyanka
Vedurumudi Priyanka

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Interesting IoT Facial Recognition Project

This is my Submission to #actionshackathon.

My Workflow : Facial Recognition Project

This project utilizes a Raspberry Pi, basic Webcam, and an internet connection to create a door that unlocks itself via facial recognition. If the visitor at the door is recognized, the door will unlock!

Usage :

Home security systems are a growing field of projects for Makers. A self-built system is not only less expensive than a bulky professional installation, but it also allows for total control and customization to suit your needs.

Submission Category: Interesting IoT

Link to Code :

GitHub logo Vedurumudi-Priyanka / Interesting-IoT-Facial-Recognition-Project

Build an automated door that unlocks itself using facial recognition


Home security systems are a growing field of projects for Makers. A self-built system is not only less expensive than a bulky professional installation, but it also allows for total control and customization to suit your needs. This project utilizes a Raspberry Pi, basic Webcam, and an internet connection to create a door that unlocks itself via facial recognition. If the visitor at the door is recognized, the door will unlock!

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Thank you :) 💖

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Latest comments (3)

mattcohard profile image

Thank you for sharing! I recently implemented's face recognition API into my project, and it's been working great. The process was smooth, thanks to their clear API documentation

stokry profile image

Nice one!

vedurumudipriyanka profile image
Vedurumudi Priyanka

Thank you Stokry :)