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Storing user passwords in plain text?

Keeping your passwords secure is important. Even more if you are storing passwords for others. You won't believe how many companies out there have stored user information in plain text. I'll point you to some articles and see if you remember
any of these.

Krebs on Security - Facebook Stored Hundreds of Millions of User Passwords in Plain Text for Years

RockYou2021 - largest password compilation of all time leaked online with 8.4 billion entries

SolarWinds hack: the mystery of one of the biggest cyberattacks ever

I believe when a new app or website is created, security should be one of the first things that needs to be implemented. I'm going to show you a simple way of hashing passwords using Python. We will use SHA-2(512) to create a long string out of the password.



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Let's code!

I'm going to write out some code and explain what is happening. I'll start off by importing our two libraries Passlib and Getpass.

1 |  from passlib.handlers.sha2_crypt import sha512_crypt as hasher
2 |  from getpass import getpass
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So what do we have here?

Line 1: Passlib is imported and from the handlers.sha2_crypt module we import sha512_crypt
as hasher.

Line 2: From the library getpass we import getpass.

Now let's create our function that will ask for the username and password. In this function we can also
include the hash method.

5 | def account_creation():
6 |     username = input("Please enter a username: ")
7 |     password = getpass("Please enter a password: ")
8 |     hashed_password = hasher.hash(password, rounds=200_000)
9 |     database_create(username, hashed_password)
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What just happened?

Line 5: we defined our function and we named it account_creation()

Line 6: asks the user for the username and sets it as a variable named username.

Line 7: prompts the user for the password and sets it as variable named password.

Line 8: hashes our password using hasher.hash and sets the rounds to 200 thousand. By default passlib
iterates the hash 29,000 times but we went above and beyond with 200k!

Line 9: we call a function named database_create() and give it two parameters named username and password.

Let's create our database_create() definition that we just passed the username and password through.

12 | def database_create(username, password):
13 |    file = open(f"{username}.txt", "w")
14 |    file.write(password)
15 |    file.close()
16 |    print("Account created.")
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Line 12: we define our function database_create() and pass the username and password arguments.

Line 13: we create a variable named file and assign the Python built in function open(). This built in function is used to open or create files. Inside the open() function we pass an f-string with the
argument username. As you can see that it is creating a .txt file with the username that is provided.

Line 14: Our variable file is used to write the password using the write() function.

Line 15: We use the close() function to make sure code and the OS has closed the session.

Line 16 And we print something out to confirm our code completed.

Finally we add our main method. This makes us 10x developers!

19 | if __name__ == "__main__":
20 |     account_creation()
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And that's it!

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Yep, it is that easy!

Let's test the code in our terminal

➜ python3
Please enter a username: elmo
Please enter a password:
Account created.
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I entered the username elmo and the password elmoloveshisgoldfishandcrayon123.

Now we check to see if the file was created using ls.

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As you can see there is a file named elmo.txt. I'll cat the file to check the contents.

cat elmo.txt
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Whoa. Check out that long hashed password!

Want to learn more about SHA-2?

Check out the code on Github:

The Code

from passlib.handlers.sha2_crypt import sha512_crypt as hasher
from getpass import getpass

def database_create(username, password):
    file = open(f"{username}.txt", "w")
    print("Account created.")

def account_creation():
    username = input("Please enter a username: ")
    password = getpass("Please enter a password: ")
    hashed_password = hasher.hash(password, rounds=200_000)
    database_create(username, hashed_password)

if __name__ == "__main__":
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