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Why should I write something here?🤔

Sometimes we feel a strong desire to express ourselves, to write, share and reveal to the world knowledge about a certain topic that has awakened our curiosity.

However, an inexplicable fear arises, blocking our path. But, after all, afraid of what? I also wonder every time, because there seems to be a greater force that prevents us from moving forward and evolving.

"Sad woman"

Maybe the origin of fear lies in something as simple as the fear of being criticized, or the insecurity that what was written may not make sense to others. At worst it can be something deeper, like the unsettling feeling of imposter syndrome, where we question our competence and fear being exposed as frauds.

"Sad man"

Why am I writing this?

because I was stuck in life with exactly this thought, I was afraid to write something, for fear of what others would think, if what I did was really good enough to be in this medium.

But, what I would like to emphasize is, go ahead, have fun, write for yourself. Over time, results will appear naturally.

Top comments (5)

twomodone profile image
Abdelrahman Elsayed

I love this! Can someone tell me why does the font look this way?

walter_chuno profile image
golang n tem ternario ︎ ᅠᅠᅠ

This is called bionic reading, it helps you concentrate when reading.

twomodone profile image
Abdelrahman Elsayed

Oh, I see. Thanks! I didn't know what to type on Google.

alexroor4 profile image
Alex Roor

very brave!

vorp profile image
Victor Osório
