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Who am I?

Hi everyone

Today I want to write about a subject close to my heart (all my articles are close to my heart) and also has some relevance with IT but at the same time, it doesn't.

I don't think many people know that my avatar represents the place from where I hail from and that is Romania. But the symbol is much much older, we will have to go back in time 2500 years to discuss the Dacians.

Who are the Ancestors of the Romanians?

The fearless giants of the ancient times that were scholars, warriors, healers, blacksmiths, mages and even may have civilized the whole world.

We have a lot of facts that and also scientific proof that these affirmations are true, but some people like to ignore them and also what I am writing about, you will not find in any history books.

Also I assume that you heard about the Roman Empire and the Latin language, but what you haven't heard is that the Latin language is based on the Dacian language, which unfortunately has been erased from history and a lot of proofs are resting underground undiscovered yet.

You can view a full documentary below, you will have to auto-translate the subtitles into your own language, Dear Reader, the video has the audio in Romanian.

Hey, Wolfiton have you found the keys to the mother ship or eaten something funny?

Me NO!, but others that are not Romanians have found a lot more unbelievable things and also create a documentary about it.

So coming back to the topic at hand, my avatar is representing a part of the Dacian flag which is the Wolf Head, the rest of the flag depicts the body of a Dragon.

The flag looks like in the picture below:

Alt Text

Also for non-believers in what I said, you can find a lot more unbelievable facts created by a French team that wanted to explore the history of Romania:

Also at the end of this section I just wanted to say that:

We don't have time to create false proofs to convince people that our history is unbelievable. We are too busy living!

Next, let's come back closer to our present time and see how a world without Romania will look like.

A world without Romania?

Not many people know that Romanians have a lot of geniuses and talents that contributed to world history and also contributed a lot too scientific discoveries that changed the world.

One of our people felt so unhappy with this fact that he/she created a short Youtube video that shows these facts and also our way of life.

You can find it below:

Pretty inspiring if you ask me.

The fruits grow in the tree

In our country, the fruits grow in the trees and the cows are not violet, even though we have no problems with Milka or the violet color.

Look at Romanian through an Irishman's eyes in this special documentary:

This is more true because in the city that I was born the city's hearth is violet and the soul is white.

Also, a lot of people lately claim that are Dacians so this thing reminded me about a song from the Aristocats(Disney animation from when I was young):

Everybody wants to be a cat!

But in our case it will be:

Everybody wants to be a DAC!

I hope you enjoyed this article, Dear Reader.

Share it with others so that they can enjoy it too.


Top comments (2)

dmfay profile image
Dian Fay

The very first person who appears in the documentary is Napoleon Săvescu, a major proponent of various fringe historical theories collectively labeled "protochronism", which rose to local prominence alongside Romanian nationalism in the 20th century. Some protochronist ideas include that the Dacians invented the first alphabet and conquered Japan.

Protochronism is not taken seriously by historians in general, which, to the producers of the documentary, is an indictment of the discipline rather than an indication that they might be on the wrong track. Romania has a long and interesting history and has made many important cultural contributions to the world we live in now. This stuff is not that. This is one step removed from "Ancient Aliens".

wolfiton profile image

I am glad you liked the article @dianfay.

I also wanted to add that a close person to Vatican(the secretary of the Pope) also admitted a few years ago that the Latin language is based on the Dacian Language.

Although the documentary may contain some historians that are not very well-liked, but the proofs from the ancient texts and also the 5 different methods that are used to prove our history are hard to contest.