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Cover image for Todo RESTful API built using NodeJS
Yannick Mulemeri
Yannick Mulemeri

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Todo RESTful API built using NodeJS

A RESTful API (Representational State Transfer API) is an application programming interface that follows the principles of REST, a set of architectural constraints used for building scalable web services. It allows communication between a client and a server over the web, typically using HTTP.

REST APIs use standard HTTP methods to perform actions on resources. The most common methods are:

GET: Retrieve data from the server (e.g., fetch a list of books).
POST: Create new data on the server (e.g., add a new book).
PUT: Update existing data (e.g., edit the details of a book).
DELETE: Remove data from the server (e.g., delete a book).
This project provides a simple RESTful API for managing a todo list. It is built using Node JS’ native HTTP module and allow for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on todo items, which are stored in a JSON file.

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