A Class is a blueprint, template, or prototype that defines the variables and the methods common to all objects of the same kind.
Object acts as a member, specimen, or instance of the class.
Objects help programmers to use variables and methods as specified in the class.
Classes have logical existence and Objects have a physical existence.
Enough theory🥱, Let's take a real-world example of the laptop💻 on which you might be reading this tutorial:
Take a laptop class has:
- variables(states): Brand, Operating System, Processor, and RAM
- methods(behavior): start, restart and shutdown
Now, Let's real objects i.e real Laptops which follow the same blueprint as specified in the laptop class:
Taking look at these two objects: LAP-01 and LAP-02, You will observe that they have differences but they share the same prototype as specified in the parent class.
Thus, Class is a sketch while Object is the same sketch of a parent class with different colors.
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