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Yasmita Kumar
Yasmita Kumar

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A New Era For Technology - What's On The Horizon?

It’s difficult to talk about the future of tech as it’s hard to get a grasp on what might come next. Technology that was deemed impossible in the past now makes up for our everyday items. Although we may not know exactly what’s in store for us, one thing is for sure: change is coming.

The past few years has seen big growth in technology, especially systems and softwares to help increase the adoption of digital currencies. Many brands are now looking at ways to incorporate the option to pay with crypto as its popularity is increasing. Many other brands are taking interest in the metaverse, launching products in the new digital world.

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(Image Source: CoinTelegraph)

As we continue with new tech, there will be a push from both consumers and developers to crack the market in a way that is new and innovative. There has been much talk about new glasses that show information to the wearer displayed on the lens while connected to a smartphone, allowing them to read an article in their preferred language on the fly or receive real time data without having to view their smartphones.

The head-mounted devices will have voice recognition and gesture control features. A command can be issued by simply saying, "yes," and they can be used while driving or walking. People will also be able to hear what's being said around them in public places, like airports, because of the built-in speakers. The glasses will create a virtual environment where information is shown using augmented reality to simulate real life situations that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to explain in real life.

The trend of consumers using smartphones as their personal assistants thanks to high speed Qualcomm SM8350 Snapdragon 888 chipset will become more prevalent. In the same way that a person might use a smartphone to read or calculate numbers, they'll also use it for tasks like getting directions. The devices will be able to link with other devices connected through Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Although the gadgets are mainly used for basic tasks, the data collected can be used to develop personal profiles for individuals in order to provide them with tailored services and advice.

Cloud gaming tech could elevate glasses. A company called Epic Games has started developing Unreal Engine 4, a next generation game engine designed to produce high quality graphics using the cloud gaming model. Cloud gaming is the ability to play games on servers located in data centers. This technology not only reduces latency, but it allows players to experience the same game environment no matter what system they are using, including mobile devices and their smartphones.

Cloud Computing

Cloud gaming will be popular for independent game developers because it will allow them to create high quality games without having to spend time or money on developing a powerful computer system. The cloud makes it possible for developers to focus more on the core development than on software processing.

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(Image Source: European Commission)

The cloud computing model will also make it possible for publishers and independent game developers to test various features in their products before shipping them. A certain number of gamers can test during a limited period of time. The games will be downloadable and played on a hosted server where the entire game process will take place. The games can be remastered for Xbox One and PS4 if the developer decides so.

Quantum Computing

A new kind of technology called quantum computing has been developed that makes it possible to solve certain problems that cannot be solved using conventional computers. Although quantum computing is still in its infancy, it is being promoted by companies like IBM and Google because of its potential to create new breakthroughs in science and engineering and developer applications. The first application of this technology might be used exclusively by the government, but once it becomes more widespread, it will change everything from cryptography (encryption) to artificial intelligence (AI).

One of the main benefits of quantum computing is that it can perform many calculations simultaneously at speeds that are faster than traditional computers. It has the potential to solve problems with large data sets and make pattern recognition easier. It can also solve complex problems related to climate change, artificial intelligence, and security issues like encryption.

The future of technology definitely looks interesting, but there’s one thing we know for sure: it will continue to change. Technology is evolving rapidly and it's a challenge to keep up with the changes in smartphones and other mobile devices. The industry will continue to expand and provide new opportunities for everyone willing to learn about the latest developments.

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