Developers keep on doing it great and breaking through different levels everyday, with their logic , algorithm and code, all together with an IDE or text editor, miracles are performed. An IDE? Ouff! I guess you'll ask me what is it? Stay back and don't be scared.
What is an IDE ?

An IDE also known as An Integrated Developer Environment is a software suite that consolidates basic tools required to write and test software thus making work easy by providing facilities such as a source code editor, build automation tools and a debugger to programmers for software development. We might know of some few IDE. Below are some of the mostly used IDE in 2022:
- Eclipse: Supports C, C++, Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP, Java and others. ...
- NetBeans: Supports Java, PHP, JavaScript, C, C++, Python, Ruby, and more. ...
- Komodo IDE: Supports Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl, JavaScript, Ruby, and more. ...
- Aptana: Supports HTML, JavaScript, CSS, AJAX and others through plugins.
- VScode: All in one
- Atom: Best figuring when it comes to web.
- JetBrains IDE: made for all.
- Vim: Terminal text editor mostly for Unix and Linux base operating systems
What is a text editor
As compare to an IDE, a text editor is simpler, we can define it as a software used to edit code with some restricted functions such as dynamic typing.
: As contrast to these two, text editor is limited as compare to IDE. but some text editors such as Atom or VSCode with the use of some good extension can be made IDEs.
: Did I just mention Atom
? Unfortunately this text editor is to be mourn now. Let's dicuss.
The Atom Shutdown
As stated in this article on github blog released on the 8th June 2022 justifying the shutdown of the Atom IDE and all projects linked to this organisation by December 15, 2022.
GitHub, the company (now owned by Microsoft) behind Atom, announced the “sunsetting” of Atom today. “Atom has not had significant feature development for the past several years,” the company said, “though we’ve conducted maintenance and security updates during this period to ensure we’re being good stewards of the project and product. As new cloud-based tools have emerged and evolved over the years, Atom community involvement has declined significantly.”
GitHub reason for Sunsetting atom is as follows:
Atom has not had significant feature development for
the past several years, though we’ve conducted maintenance
and security updates during this period to ensure we’re being
good stewards of the project and product.
As new cloud-based tools have emerged and evolved
over the years, Atom community involvement has declined
significantly. As a result, we’ve decided to sunset Atom so we
can focus on enhancing the developer experience
in the cloud with GitHub Codespaces.
The fact Atom is sunsetting doesn't means it might not figure out in some months or year to come but after the shutdown it will be available at and since it is open source we can contribute to it and may be, be the one that will solve the issues linked to this.
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Top comments (33)
I am using Sublime text 3
That's pretty awesome 😊! You might want to get into open source if you're not. Very important stuffs.
Yes I am already contributing to open source
Check out my projects 😇
That's super awesome guy. Will be looking forward to 🌟 some repositories 😊, Check mine too, contributing to projects like:
I'm Yokwejuste. Check me on LinkedIn, Twitter and GitHub.
Ok why not
Sublime Text already has version 4. May I know why you didn't upgrade?
As advise I'll say an upgrade is not always the best solution. I don't know if you know of Linux distros. Then you should have heard of ubuntu, and it most recent update the 22.04 JellyFish which is built on WayLand which blocks some apps such as Plank Gnome Extension.
As conclusion all upgrades should be under the user awareness of the pros and cons of it. Check the Sublime Text Forum on these upgrade version.
Yeah because I am feeling lazy 😃😂
I used to use Atom so this is a little sad to me.
Before that I used Sublime.
The first text editor I used for programming was Nodepad++ if I remember right. Still good software going strong, though there are almost always better choices for programming these days.
Check out IntelliJ products, I switched to phpstorm a couple years ago and can say that was the best decision I ever made about my tooling. Have to admit though, there's no free versionsot IJ software
I started on Atom but switched to VScode at some point. The two are eerily similar, but VScode has more plugins nowadays and better built in Typescript support.
If you use Atom now and are looking for a replacement, VSCode is pretty much the spiritual successor.
😅Codespace is freaky nice too. Nothing never made better after Replit.
At least we have a successor.
I wouldn't consider JetBrains as being an IDE. It's a software vendor providing multiple IDEs based on the language you're coding in. JetBrains is not an IDE.
I would also mention that compared to the others, lots of them require a license.
Personally I used Atom in the past but quickly moved to JetBrains' IDEs. Currently using Fleet.
WTF! mehn how did you got fleet, have being trying to get this but unfortunately not till now
Takes time, I've applied for it the day it got announced 😌
Ohh Till today my request hasn't been answered. It such a mess 😢
It's sad to see Atom go, but even more so to see it almost unmaintained for so long. It was the original Electron-based app, and seemed promising when it first came out. It aimed to be a "hackable editor for the 21st century" and the community packages were excellent (despite CoffeeScript, pre-es6 support). Before Microsoft bought GitHub, they made VSCode. It was also based on Electron, but somehow managed to get much better performance when working with large files. I really wanted Atom to improve, but it just never caught up.
The guys didn't succeed to go forward with their team development. Sort of misunderstanding. 😢
My history of Code Editor:
What an amazing story @dendihandian 😅.
Mine looks like:
I'm for some reason getting a little disenchanted with Windows and Microsoft, and I'd like to try something new. I work on different languages, so VS Code was good for me, but since I can get WebStorm, PHPStorm, RubyMine and DataGrip I was considering testing them for a while.
If you may, can you sell me on them? Since I see you also migrated from VS Code.
I've switched to VS Code for a while, when it was clear it was becoming a way better and faster IDE.
I was fond of Atom but basically everything was eventually better in Code.
that link is broken..
I guess it should be a network error. The link is still available. Only thing that's not or will not be soon is the production team of this.
Atom or vs code ?🤔
Vscode makes more sense!
VScode and you sleep well 😄
Thanks guy! 😄