
Cover image for GitHub CLI extension to preview
Yusuke Wada
Yusuke Wada

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GitHub CLI extension to preview

Have you ever thought want to preview before push to GitHub? I built the GitHub CLI extension to make it come true. It named gh-markdown-preview.


  • NO-dependencies - You need gh command only.
  • Zero-configuration - You don't have to set the GitHub access token.
  • Looks exactly the same - You can see same as GitHub.
  • Live reloading - You don't need reload the browser.


You have to install GitHub CLI before install.

$ brew install gh
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


$ gh extension install yusukebe/gh-markdown-preview
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


$ gh markdown-preview
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Or this command will detect README file in the directory automatically.

$ gh markdown-preview
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Then access the local web server such as http://localhost:3333 with Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.


Available Options:

-p, --port     TCP port number of this server (default: 3333)
-r, --reload   Enable live reloading (default: false)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

gh markdown-preview is a GitHub CLI extension to preview your markdown such as The gh markdown-preview commnad start a local web server to serve your markdown document file with a GitHub style.

gh markdown-preview command shows the HTML got from GitHub official markdown API with the CSS extracted from GitHub web site. The styles are almost the same!

You can see rendered README before uploading to GitHub!

If you want to have more information, check this repository and give me a star:)

yusukebe/gh-markdown-preview: GitHub CLI extension to preview README looks the same as GitHub.

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