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Thibault NORMAND
Thibault NORMAND

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How I write micro-service (part 3)

Repositories as Hexagonal architecture defines this component is a persisence adapter. It's a technical implementation of a models provider. It could be:

  • A local provider: database, file;
  • A remote provider: another micro-service.

I'm used to splitting repository implementations in a dedicated package according to technical backend used.

$ mkdir internal/repositories
$ touch internal/repositories/api.go
$ mkdir internal/repositories/pkg
$ mkdir internal/repositories/pkg/postgresql
$ mkdir internal/repositories/pkg/mongodb
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The filesystem should be like it follows:

 + internal
   + helpers
     - id.go
     - password.go
     - time.go
   + models
     - user.go
   + repositories
     - api.go
     + pkg
       + postgresql
       + mongodb
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Adapter Contract

But before starting to implements the persistence adapter, and in order to comply with the dependency loose coupling of The Clean Architecture, we have to declare the adapter interface first. So that all implementations must be compliant with.

For example api.go, must contain only repository contract.

package repositories

import (


// UserSearchFilter represents user entity collection search criteria
type UserSearchFilter struct {
    UserID    string
    // Principal hash value must be used
    Principal string

// User describes user repository contract
type User interface {
    // Create a user
    Create(ctx context.Context, entity *models.User) error
    // Retrieve an user
    Get(ctx context.Context, id string) (*models.User, error)
    // Update selectively an user instance
    Update(ctx context.Context, entity *models.User) error
    // Delete an user instance
    Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) error
    // Search for user entities using filter, pagination and sorts
    Search(ctx context.Context, filter *UserSearchFilter, p *db.Pagination, s *db.SortParameters) ([]*models.User, int, error)
    // Retrieve an user by principal hash value
    FindByPrincipal(ctx context.Context, principal string) (*models.User, error)
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Don't forget to pass context.Context as far as possible in your calls, in case of request cancellation bound to HTTP request.
When the caller cancel the HTTP request, the SQL request must be cancelled too, etc.

Our repository implementations must handle entities so that principal has to be hashed before using it (for example FindByPrincipal)

Unit Tests

For testing, I've added this go compiler generate step in api.go, to build User mocks from interface type definition.

//go:generate mockgen -destination test/mock/user.gen.go -package mock User
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Repository mocks will be used by service unit tests.

Integration Tests

These tests are executed using a real backend.

For example, the User integration test generator creates a full test that create, read, update, delete User using the persistence adapter implementation.

Integration tests will be evicted from default test target using the build tag integration

//+build integration

package specs

import (

    . ""


// User returns user repositories full test scenario builder
func User(underTest repositories.User) func(*testing.T) {
    return func(t *testing.T) {
        // Flag this test that could be run in parallel

        // Prepare gomega matcher
        g:= NewGomegaWithT(t)

        // Stub context
        ctx:= context.Background()

        // Prepare a new entity
        created:= models.NewUser("")
        g.Expect(created).ToNot(BeNil(), "Newly created entity should not be nil")

        // Create the entity using repository
        err:= underTest.Create(ctx, created)
        g.Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Error creation should be nil")

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Retrieve by id from repository
        saved, err:= underTest.Get(ctx, created.ID)
        g.Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Retrieval error should be nil")
        g.Expect(saved).ToNot(BeNil(), "Saved entity should not be nil")

        // Compare objects
        g.Expect(cmp.Equal(created, saved)).To(BeTrue(), "Saved and Created should be equals")

        // Retrieve by non-existent id
        nonExistent, err:= underTest.Get(ctx, "non-existent-id")
        g.Expect(err).ToNot(BeNil(), "Error should be raised on non-existent entity")
        g.Expect(err).To(Equal(db.ErrNoResult), "Error ErrNoResult should be raised")
        g.Expect(nonExistent).To(BeNil(), "Non-existent entity should be nil")

        // Retrieve by principal
        savedPrincipal, err:= underTest.FindByPrincipal(ctx, created.Principal)
        g.Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Retrieval error should be nil")
        g.Expect(savedPrincipal).ToNot(BeNil(), "Saved entity should not be nil")

        // Compare objects
        g.Expect(cmp.Equal(created, savedPrincipal)).To(BeTrue(), "SavedPrincipal and Created should be equals")

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Update an entity
        saved, err = underTest.Get(ctx, created.ID)
        g.Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Retrieval error should be nil")
        g.Expect(saved).ToNot(BeNil(), "Saved entity should not be nil")

        // Update properties

        // Update with repository
        err = underTest.Update(ctx, saved)
        g.Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Update error should be nil")

        // Retrieve from repository to check updated properties
        updated, err:= underTest.Get(ctx, created.ID)
        g.Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Retrieval error should be nil")
        g.Expect(updated).ToNot(BeNil(), "Saved entity should not be nil")

        // Compare objects
        g.Expect(cmp.Equal(created, updated)).To(BeTrue(), "Saved and Updated should be equals")

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Remove an entity
        err = underTest.Delete(ctx, created.ID)
        g.Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Removal error should be nil")

        // Retrieve from repository to check deletion
        deleted, err:= underTest.Get(ctx, created.ID)
        g.Expect(err).ToNot(BeNil(), "Deletion error should not be nil")
        g.Expect(err).To(Equal(db.ErrNoResult), "Error ErrNoResult should be raised")
        g.Expect(deleted).To(BeNil(), "Deleted entity should be nil")

        // Remove a non-existent entity
        err = underTest.Delete(ctx, "non-existent-id")
        g.Expect(err).ToNot(BeNil(), "Removal error should not be nil")
        g.Expect(err).To(Equal(db.ErrNoModification), "Error ErrNoModification should be raised")
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Persistence implementations

During many years, I have enhanced, rebuild approximatively 30 times my own framework.
All implementation are using it as foundation, you are free to pickup what you need form it.

It's multi-sub-module Golang repository, so you don't need to pull the entire repository, everything is
splitted and versionned independently in a minimal package.


First of all, we need to prepare the PostgreSQL package.

$ mkdir internal/repositories/pkg/postgresql/migrations
$ touch internal/repositories/pkg/postgresql/setup.go
$ touch internal/repositories/pkg/postgresql/table_user.go
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Schema migrations handling

I'm use to put all the database specific preparation setup in a file nammed setup.go.
This is used to declares all table name constants, but also database migrations that will be embedded in the final
atifact using packr.

Why packr ? Heu because ... not go-bin-data ... ?

package postgresql

import (

    // Load postgresql drivers
    _ ""
    _ ""
    _ ""
    _ ""

    migrate ""
    db ""

// ----------------------------------------------------------

var (
    // UserTableName represents users collection name
    UserTableName = "users"

// ----------------------------------------------------------

//go:generate packr

// migrations contains all schema migrations
var migrations = &migrate.PackrMigrationSource{
    Box: packr.NewBox("./migrations"),

// CreateSchemas create or updates the current database schema
func CreateSchemas(conn *sqlx.DB) (int, error) {
    // Migrate schema

    // Run the schema migration from embedded resource
    n, err := migrate.Exec(conn.DB, conn.DriverName(), migrations, migrate.Up)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, xerrors.Errorf("postgresql: could not migrate sql schema, applied %d migrations :%w", n, err)

    return n, nil
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And database schema migrations like it follows :

-- +migrate Up
    id          VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    name        VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    meta        JSON        NOT NULL,
    leader_id   VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
    member_ids  JSON        NOT NULL

-- +migrate Down
DROP TABLE chapters;
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There are 2 "annotations" for migration direction, it is used by your migration tools to apply the correct
SQL script according the upgrade or downgrade process.

Meticulous people should have noticed that I load 2 different PostgreSQL drivers (pq, and pgx).

The rule of internal database migrations says :

  • Use automigration for integration tests only
  • Never try to apply automatically migrations on service starts, in case of a cluster there will have code running not compatible with the updated persistence schema
  • Know what you are doing

User Persistence Adapter

For example as User persistence adapter for PostgreSQL in table_user.go in internal/repositories/pkg/postgresql

package postgresql

import (


    sq ""

type pgUserRepository struct {
    adapter *postgresql.Default

// NewUserRepository returns a Postgresql user management repository instance
func NewUserRepository(session *sqlx.DB) repositories.User {
    // Default columns to retrieve
    defaultColumns := []string{"user_id", "principal", "secret", "creation_date"}

    // Sortable columns for criteria
    sortableColumns := []string{"user_id", "principal", "creation_date"}

    // Initialize repository
    return &pgUserRepository{
        adapter: postgresql.NewCRUDTable(session, "", UserTableName, defaultColumns, sortableColumns),

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (r *pgUserRepository) Create(ctx context.Context, entity *models.User) error {
    // Validate entity first
    if err := entity.Validate(); err != nil {
        return xerrors.Errorf("postgresql: unable to validate entity, creation aborted : %w", err)

    return r.adapter.Create(ctx, entity)

func (r *pgUserRepository) Get(ctx context.Context, realmID, id string) (*models.User, error) {
    var entity models.User

    // Delegate to my own postgresql adpater
    if err := r.adapter.WhereAndFetchOne(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
        "user_id":  id,
    }, &entity); err != nil {
        return nil, xerrors.Errorf("postgresql: unable to query database: %w", err)

    return &entity, nil

func (r *pgUserRepository) Update(ctx context.Context, entity *models.User) error {
    // Validate entity first
    if err := entity.Validate(); err != nil {
        return xerrors.Errorf("postgresql: unable to validate entity, update aborted : %w", err)

    // Only update allowed attributes, never, never, did I say never ?
    // always the full object.
    if err := r.adapter.Update(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
        "secret": entity.Secret,
    }, map[string]interface{}{
        "user_id":  entity.ID,
    }); err != nil {
        return xerrors.Errorf("postgresql: unable to update entity: %w", err)

    // No error
    return nil

func (r *pgUserRepository) Delete(ctx context.Context, realmID, id string) error {

    // Delegate to adapter
    if err := r.adapter.RemoveOne(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
        "user_id":  id,
    }); err != nil {
        return xerrors.Errorf("postgresql: unable to remove entity: %w", err)

    // No error
    return nil

func (r *pgUserRepository) Search(ctx context.Context, filter *repositories.UserSearchFilter, pagination *db.Pagination, sortParams *db.SortParameters) ([]*models.User, int, error) {
    var results []*models.User

    // Delegate to adapter
    count, err := r.adapter.Search(ctx, r.buildFilter(filter), pagination, sortParams, &results)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, count, xerrors.Errorf("postgresql: unable to list entities: %w", err)

    // Standardize the error on no result to be coherent with all implementations
    if len(results) == 0 {
        return results, count, db.ErrNoResult

    // Return results and total count
    return results, count, nil

func (r *pgUserRepository) FindByPrincipal(ctx context.Context, realmID string, principal string) (*models.User, error) {
    var entity models.User

    // Delegate to adapter
    if err := r.adapter.WhereAndFetchOne(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
        "principal": principal,
    }, &entity); err != nil {
        return nil, xerrors.Errorf("postgresql: unable to retrieve entity: %w", err)

    return &entity, nil

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

func (r *pgUserRepository) buildFilter(filter *repositories.UserSearchFilter) interface{} {
    if filter != nil {
        clauses := sq.Eq{
            "1": "1",

        if len(strings.TrimSpace(filter.UserID)) > 0 {
            clauses["user_id"] = filter.UserID
        if len(strings.TrimSpace(filter.Principal)) > 0 {
            clauses["principal"] = filter.Principal

        return clauses

    return nil
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Squad Persistence Adapter

If the model can't fit directly in the persistence adapter you have to translate it as needed

With given table schema :

-- +migrate Up
    id                  VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    name                VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    meta                JSON        NOT NULL,
    product_owner_id    VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
    member_ids          JSON        NOT NULL

-- +migrate Down
DROP TABLE squads;
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In this case, I choose to use JSON column type to handle Squad:members association and Squad:metadata. So I had to translate member_ids array as a JSON object before writing to the database, a reading from JSON to an array when decoding.

My persistence adapter must transform the model before each SQL operations.

package postgresql

import (

    api ""
    db ""

    sq ""

type pgSquadRepository struct {
    adapter *db.Default

// NewSquadRepository returns an initialized PostgreSQL repository for squads
func NewSquadRepository(cfg *db.Configuration, session *sqlx.DB) repositories.Squad {
    // Defines allowed columns
    defaultColumns := []string{
        "id", "name", "meta", "product_owner_id", "member_ids",

    // Sortable columns
    sortableColumns := []string{
        "name", "product_owner_id",

    return &pgSquadRepository{
        adapter: db.NewCRUDTable(session, "", SquadTableName, defaultColumns, sortableColumns),

// ------------------------------------------------------------

type sqlSquad struct {
    ID             string `db:"id"`
    Name           string `db:"name"`
    Meta           string `db:"meta"`
    ProductOwnerID string `db:"product_owner_id"`
    MemberIDs      string `db:"member_ids"`

func toSquadSQL(entity *models.Squad) (*sqlSquad, error) {
    meta, err := json.Marshal(entity.Meta)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.WithStack(err)

    members, err := json.Marshal(entity.MemberIDs)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.WithStack(err)

    return &sqlSquad{
        ID:             entity.ID,
        Name:           entity.Name,
        Meta:           string(meta),
        MemberIDs:      string(members),
        ProductOwnerID: entity.ProductOwnerID,
    }, nil

func (dto *sqlSquad) ToEntity() (*models.Squad, error) {
    entity := &models.Squad{
        ID:             dto.ID,
        Name:           dto.Name,
        ProductOwnerID: dto.ProductOwnerID,

    // Decode JSON columns

    // Metadata
    err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(dto.Meta), &entity.Meta)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.WithStack(err)

    // Membership
    err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(dto.MemberIDs), &entity.MemberIDs)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.WithStack(err)

    return entity, nil

// ------------------------------------------------------------

func (r *pgSquadRepository) Create(ctx context.Context, entity *models.Squad) error {
    // Validate entity first
    if err := entity.Validate(); err != nil {
        return err

    // Convert to DTO
    data, err := toSquadSQL(entity)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return r.adapter.Create(ctx, data)

func (r *pgSquadRepository) Get(ctx context.Context, id string) (*models.Squad, error) {
    var entity sqlSquad

    if err := r.adapter.WhereAndFetchOne(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
        "id": id,
    }, &entity); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return entity.ToEntity()

func (r *pgSquadRepository) Update(ctx context.Context, entity *models.Squad) error {
    // Validate entity first
    if err := entity.Validate(); err != nil {
        return err

    // Intermediary DTO
    obj, err := toSquadSQL(entity)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return r.adapter.Update(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
        "name":             obj.Name,
        "meta":             obj.Meta,
        "product_owner_id": obj.ProductOwnerID,
        "member_ids":       obj.MemberIDs,
    }, map[string]interface{}{
        "id": entity.ID,
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Another example with a NoSQL persistence adapter.

package mongodb

import (

    mongowrapper ""
    api ""
    db ""

type mgoSquadRepository struct {
    adapter *db.Default

// NewSquadRepository returns an initialized MongoDB repository for squads
func NewSquadRepository(cfg *db.Configuration, session *mongowrapper.WrappedClient) repositories.Squad {
    return &mgoSquadRepository{
        adapter: db.NewCRUDTable(session, cfg.DatabaseName, SquadTableName),

// ------------------------------------------------------------

func (r *mgoSquadRepository) Create(ctx context.Context, entity *models.Squad) error {
    // Validate entity first
    if err := entity.Validate(); err != nil {
        return err

    return r.adapter.Insert(ctx, entity)

func (r *mgoSquadRepository) Get(ctx context.Context, id string) (*models.Squad, error) {
    var entity models.Squad

    if err := r.adapter.WhereAndFetchOne(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
        "id": id,
    }, &entity); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &entity, nil

func (r *mgoSquadRepository) Update(ctx context.Context, entity *models.Squad) error {
    // Validate entity first
    if err := entity.Validate(); err != nil {
        return err

    return r.adapter.Update(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
        "name":             entity.Name,
        "meta":             entity.Meta,
        "product_owner_id": entity.ProductOwnerID,
    }, map[string]interface{}{
        "id": entity.ID,

func (r *mgoSquadRepository) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) error {
    return r.adapter.Delete(ctx, id)

func (r *mgoSquadRepository) FindByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (*models.Squad, error) {
    var entity models.Squad

    if err := r.adapter.WhereAndFetchOne(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
        "name": name,
    }, &entity); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &entity, nil

func (r *mgoSquadRepository) AddMembers(ctx context.Context, id string, users ...*models.User) error {
    // Retrieve squad entity
    entity, err := r.Get(ctx, id)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Add user as members
    for _, u := range users {

    // Update members only
    return r.adapter.Update(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
        "member_ids": entity.MemberIDs,
    }, map[string]interface{}{
        "id": entity.ID,

func (r *mgoSquadRepository) RemoveMembers(ctx context.Context, id string, users ...*models.User) error {
    // Retrieve squad entity
    entity, err := r.Get(ctx, id)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Remove user from members
    for _, u := range users {

    // Update members
    return r.adapter.Update(ctx, map[string]interface{}{
        "member_ids": entity.MemberIDs,
    }, map[string]interface{}{
        "id": entity.ID,
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Never update a full object without controlling each keys, you must setup update function to update only updatable attributes.

Remote Adapter

Your adapter could be an external service which provides data and is called via a transport protocol (HTTP, gRPC, etc.)

Mocks could be used to simulate remote access during tests.

Running integration tests

In order to run integration tests with Golang, you must prepare a TestMain . This runner is responsible for building all related persistence adapter instance according to requested command line flag.

The test specification will be used to generate the full scenario test by passing the persistence adapter to the generator.

Obviously, all persistence adapter implementations should have the same behavior, validated by your test suite.

// +build integration

package integration

import (


var databases = flag.String("databases", "postgresql", "Repositories backend to use, splitted with a coma ','. Example: postgresql,mongodb,rethinkdb")

func init() {

    ctx := context.Background()

    // Prepare logger
    log.Setup(ctx, &log.Options{
        Debug:     true,
        AppName:   "spotigraph-integration-tests",
        AppID:     "123456",
        Version:   version.Version,
        Revision:  version.Revision,
        SentryDSN: "",

    // Initialize random seed

    // Set UTC for all time
    time.Local = time.UTC

func testMainWrapper(m *testing.M) int {
    if testing.Short() {
        fmt.Println("Skipping integration tests")
        return 0

    log.Bg().Info("Initializing test DB for integration test (disable with `go test -short`)")

    ctx := context.Background()
    backends := strings.Split(strings.ToLower(*databases), ",")

    for _, back := range backends {
        switch back {
        case "postgresql":
            // Initialize postgresql
            cancel, err := postgreSQLConnection(ctx)
            if err != nil {
                log.Bg().Fatal("Unable to initialize repositories", zap.Error(err))
            defer func() {
            log.Bg().Fatal("Unsupported backend", zap.String("backend", back))

    defer func() {

    return m.Run()

// TestMain is the test entrypoint
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
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It will initialize a Docker container running a PostgreSQL server using ory-am/dockertest. It will automate the database server deployment when executing the tests in local and could be used also on a remote database instance (when managing database execution with your CI pipeline for example).

package database

import (

    // Load driver if not already done
    _ ""

    dockertest ""


var (
    // PostgreSQLVersion defines version to use
    PostgreSQLVersion = "10"

// PostgreSQLContainer represents database container handler
type postgreSQLContainer struct {
    Name     string
    pool     *dockertest.Pool
    resource *dockertest.Resource
    config   *Configuration

// NewPostgresContainer initialize a PostgreSQL server in a docker container
func newPostgresContainer(pool *dockertest.Pool) *postgreSQLContainer {

    var (
        databaseName = fmt.Sprintf("test-%s", uniuri.NewLen(8))
        databaseUser = fmt.Sprintf("user-%s", uniuri.NewLen(8))
        password     = uniuri.NewLen(32)

    // Initialize a PostgreSQL server
    resource, err := pool.Run("postgres", PostgreSQLVersion, []string{
        fmt.Sprintf("POSTGRES_PASSWORD=%s", password),
        fmt.Sprintf("POSTGRES_DB=%s", databaseName),
        fmt.Sprintf("POSTGRES_USER=%s", databaseUser),
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Could not start resource: %s", err)

    // Prepare connection string
    connectionString := fmt.Sprintf("postgres://%s:%s@localhost:%s/%s?sslmode=disable", databaseUser, password, resource.GetPort("5432/tcp"), databaseName)

    // Retrieve container name
    containerName := containers.GetName(resource)

    // Return container information
    return &postgreSQLContainer{
        Name:     containerName,
        pool:     pool,
        resource: resource,
        config: &Configuration{
            ConnectionString: connectionString,
            Password:         password,
            DatabaseName:     databaseName,
            DatabaseUser:     databaseUser,

// -------------------------------------------------------------------

// Close the container
func (container *postgreSQLContainer) Close() error {
    log.Printf("Postgres (%v): shutting down", container.Name)
    return container.pool.Purge(container.resource)

// Configuration return database settings
func (container *postgreSQLContainer) Configuration() *Configuration {
    return container.config
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The connection builder that try to connect and build the database schema by running migrations.

// +build integration

package integration

import (



func postgreSQLConnection(ctx context.Context) (func(), error) {
    // Initialize connection and/or container
    conn, _, err := database.ConnectToPostgreSQL(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to initialize database server")

    // Try to contact server
    if err = conn.Ping(); err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to contact database")

    // Migrate schema
    n, err := postgresql.CreateSchemas(conn)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to initialize database schema")

    // Log migration
    log.For(ctx).Info("Applyied migrations to database", zap.Int("level", n))

    // Build repositories
    userRepositories["postgresql"] = postgresql.NewUserRepository(nil, conn)

    // Return result
    return func() {
        log.SafeClose(conn, "unable to close connection")
    }, nil
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Complete integration test suite could be found here -


At this point, you must be able to execute all test suites on your domain as persistence adapters. You should be able to create business service by using these adapters via the interface, NOT DIRECTLY via adapter instance. All persistence adapters are constraint by contract defined in the api.go, from the public side, all adapter user must fit and stick with this interface to be sure to have port and interface in the persistence layer. By doing this you will fit with Hexagonal architecture principles.

In the next post, we will start to prepare the service by declaring a protocol, and contracts to be used by dispatchers to communicate with business services.



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