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Fun With Next.js 13 Server Components

ymc9 on November 25, 2022

Next.js 13 has landed in a somewhat confusing way. Many remarkable things have been added; however, a good part is still Beta. Nevertheless, the Be...
silverium profile image
Soldeplata Saketos

I would say that it's completely expected that a SSComponent when called via client side it's rendered client side. This is exactly how NextJs 12 pages work.

In NextJs v12, if you land into a page, it's rendered server side. But when navigating into another page, that page is requested with a JSON request and it's closer to a client side rendered page, alleviating the weight of the "First Load JS shared by all".

So, if "/foo" weights 3kB and "/bar" weights 40kB and we have a shared first load size of 200KB:

  • Landing into "/foo" will weight 203kB, and navigating into "/bar" will download additional 40kB data.
  • Landing into "/bar" will weight 240kB, and navigating into "/foo" will download additional 3kB data.

I think that the real "paradigm shift" happening in NextJs v13 is that now, "app.js" weight could vary depending on the landing page and how many "server components" it has. Which, IMHO is a great improvement.

ymc9 profile image

Great point, and I agree. Next.js 12's getServerSideProps is already a JSON request when triggered from client-side routing. Close to server components. With 13, as you said, if a page is "pure" server-component, you get a small footprint close to SSG.

The "paradigm shift" in my head when writing this post is actually one needs to think about network boundary on a component level rather than page level. This is a new flexibility and can take time to get used to (and avoid all kinds of pitfalls).

nickyru profile image
Nicky Ru

Great content!

ymc9 profile image

Thank you. Glad to know you like it 😄!

arifpateldubaiprestonuk profile image
Arif Patel Dubai Preston UK

thank you For Sharing!

geni94 profile image

I really liked the conclusion you put out there. It's going to be one hell of a ride for developers, for sure.

mlukianovich profile image

I'm new to React and Next and this is exactly what I've searched for to understand how it works. Thank you!

mrdockal profile image
Jan Dočkal • Edited

Hello I'd like to add an extra bit.

For those who are wondering how to use ServerComponent inside a ClientComponent. You have to pass ServerComponent as a children instead of directly importing the ServerComponent file.

revskill10 profile image
Truong Hoang Dung

Confusing. Your code of mixing server component inside a client component is not shown here.

sabbirsobhani profile image
Sabbir Sobhani

But getServerSideProps has user interactivity, and we can get both from getServerSideProps. What is the benefit of using SSC without user interactivity! Also can a SSC be mixed with Client Component?

lauryfriese profile image
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