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Discussion on: How do you feel about braces and semicolons?

17cupsofcoffee profile image
Joe Clay

Ah yeah, totally forgot about Lisps. I really like them in theory (especially from a parsing standpoint), but in practice I don't tend to enjoy writing them that much ):

Not hugely familiar with Erlang beyond writing a bit of Elixir - will look into that further!

And yeah, can't say I'm a big fan of significant whitespace myself.

numberjay profile image
numberjay • Edited

it's unfortunate that all main lisps (common lisp, scheme, racket, clojure, ...) needlessly use an excessive amount of parenthesis

it gives the impression that lisp is inherently a 'syntactically verbose' language, which is totally false

take scheme:
(let ((a 1) (b 2)) (f a b))

now take a 'syntactically sane' lisp:
(let a 1 b 2 (f a b))

s-expressions were originally conceived as an internal representation for programs to be parsed by computers, not by humans, and so justifying the verbosity

but then programmers started to find s-expressions extremely convenient to use (expecially because they trivially allowed metaprogramming by treating code as data) that no one cared to build the human readable m-expression syntax that lisp were originally supposed to have

that was a fortunate accident, but the excessive parens sticked instead of being reduced to the absolute minimum which would bring lisp to a better place than most currently used languages in which parenthesis, brackets, braces and punctuation abound

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17cupsofcoffee profile image
Joe Clay

I totally agree, and I think this is why Clojure is one of the only lisp-y languages I've sunk any time into. A little bit of syntax sugar goes a long way!

I also find the design of Julia very interesting - they have a Python-like syntax, but parse it into s-expressions. This gives them some of the benefits of a lisp (easy meta-programming, code-as-data, etc) without being quite as painful to write. I think Elixir does something similar, too.