A Starter kit for your next eleventy(11ty) project using postcss, es6, snowpack, webpack.
Starter kit for your next eleventy(11ty) project using postcss, es6, snowpack, webpack.
YAES - Yet another eleventy starter.
Tech Stack 🥞
- Eleventy (11ty)
- Postcss
- Snowpack
- Webpack
- Babel
- Fast development using snowpack.
- Bundle & minify the output using webpack.
- Native lazy loading.
- A custom shortcode for image
{% Image src="./bg.jpeg", alt="background" %}
.- Generate multiple sizes for each image.
- Generate blurry placeholder.
- Transcode images to webp and generate
element. - Native Lazy loading.
- Download remote images.
- Minify all images using
- Modern css using Postcss.
- Inline the critical css and lazy load the rest of css.
- Remove unwanted css using purgecss.
- Minify the output using cssnano.
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