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Discussion on: Daily/Morning Routine while in Bootcamp-- any tips?

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Abe Dolinger

I notice I can usually concentrate better if i get outside first thing in the morning. I'm lucky to live in a spot that usually has nice air and it helps clear my head.

I was lucky in bootcamp - I had an hour commute either way, but didn't have to drive. I spent 15 minutes stretching and meditating and then doing work or reading. On the way home I was able to do another 40 min or so on labs. That way I could eat, put our kid to bed, and collapse in time to wake up the next day. It sounds like a lot, but it was a blast.

I still have way better days when I do a little stretching and meditation in the morning. I've had a hard time not freaking out about the state of the world lately though and gotten lazy.

I always recommend the Leetcode easy interview track and googling for the most common javascript interview questions. Those two covered a majority of my technical interviews.

Good luck, have fun, keep asking for help! You can do it 🌮

blaquebeardcoder profile image

Awesome thank you for sharing from your lived bootcamp experience! Just managing my own schedule is hectic enough, so I could only imagine if I had another small human to be concerned for providing for! I'm sure that was a great source of inspiration and motivation for you as well!

I like that you shared an example of maximizing your commuting time, by constantly feeding your mind and working on projects. That certainly will be helpful for me on my subway rides.

Thanks for sharing!! Oh, and that Leetcode is a tremendous resource for interview prep!