DEV Community

Discussion on: How to Reach 1 000 000 TPS on Blockchain Platform

_aandrey profile image

Regarding the supply, Credits platform has a limited total supply of 249 471 071 CS. New coins are not generated. The size of the block is dynamic and depends on the number of transactions. Credits platform is generating 3-5 blocks per second. So if there are 1000 transactions/sec, each transaction is 96 byte (simple transfer of CS coins between wallets), so 1000 transaction ~ 100Kbytes which will be distributed between 3-5 blocks, so the block will have the size of ~ 100Kbytes/3-5. And if there are 10 000 transactions/sec and each one is 96 byte (simple transfer of CS coins between wallets), so 10 000 transactions ~ 1Mb, which will be distributed between 3-5 blocks and each block will have the size of 1Mb/3-5.