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Discussion on: "Is PHP Dead?" Discussion

_hs_ profile image

Similar thing goes for Java. They wish it was dead but hey. Also for OOP they would love to kill it off and make everything FP. Althoug I personally dislike the syntax of PHP I don't think it's bad enough to avoid it. I like instead of function_nm_smtg(whyyy) but that's a personal preference

adnanhz profile image

I used to work with Java in 2014 but I've heard it changed a lot since. I left on Java 8 and now on Java 1X, have things changed a lot?

_hs_ profile image
HS • Edited

Changing is a better term. I used v11 because of var keyword. However 14 has preview of records which are similar to kotlin data classes and switch expressions which means you get to do

var test = switch(something){
    this -> that
    else -> other

Something like that. But I'm mainly waiting to see what happens with project loom. However collecting stuff via map or such might still be messy.

Basically some efforts are being made through versions but not as much as devs would want. Example switch expression and pattern matching are still treated as experimetal