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The Most Underrated Skill Every Developer Needs

Patrick God on February 21, 2018

Imagine you are a student of computer science. And now imagine you are so lucky, that you get a job as a working student where you are able to impr...
changemyname profile image
Evgeny • Edited

That is so relevant to me it's unreal. Although where I work we don't have such issues where a feature is implemented twice, I do lack communication skills in general. That is I don't talk to other people on the team, unless its a weekly meeting. Otherwise I only communicate with my mentor (who's a project manager) and another person who works in the same area of the system as I. I understand that its a huge mistake from my end, but I don't know how to connect well with others.

This a different kind of communication I'm talking about but I think's its equally important for a healthy work environment as well as your career in general.

asynccrazy profile image
Sumant H Natkar

Communication is foundation for a good team.

_patrickgod profile image
Patrick God


shafiqessani profile image
Shafiq Shams

Nice one!

_patrickgod profile image
Patrick God


antoniobanderas profile image
Anthony Parker

Do you know of any good resources for learning communication skills, particularly any written specifically for developers? I'm hoping to improve but not sure where to start.

_patrickgod profile image
Patrick God • Edited

I think it's all about practice. If you want to improve your writing, start writing down your thoughts as a blog post, for instance. Maybe even here on There are a bunch of free web tools, that will analyze your writing and tell you how you did. Have a look at hemingwayapp or grammarly. These tools help a lot!

Regarding communication in general, I highly recommend the book Soft Skills: The software developer's life manual by John Sonmez and my blog ;) It generally covers the topic soft skills for software developers. And just last week I was at the Microsoft Tech Summit in Frankfurt where I met Shayne Boyer (Microsoft Developer Advocate) among others and he also emphasized the importance of communication and how you can practice it.

Check out this short YouTube video I did with him (more are coming soon!)

Hope this helps!

omeome762 profile image
Ash Ome

Communication is the most important skill for a good team

_patrickgod profile image
Patrick God
