DEV Community

Discussion on: What have been the most interesting WebAssembly demo/application so far?

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Aaron Powell

I'll shamelessly sell promote here, but I made which is a React + WASM (in Go) hybrid that shows a list of technical conferences in Australia by parsing a markdown file.

GitHub logo aaronpowell / oz-dev-events

An experiment with WebAssembly + Go on how to build it into a normal web dev pipeline

Australian Tech Events

Build Status

This is the source code for the Australian Tech Events website, a web UI over the top of the Readify DevEvents markdown files.

I build this mainly as an exercise in learning how to use Go and WebAssembly, and how they can fit into a modern web developer toolchain.

At the end of the day this is a React.js application, written in TypeScript, using webpack to compile and bundle the code.

The Code

The code lives in the src folder, with both the TypeScript and Go code all within there. To illustrate the nature of using Go with WebAssembly there is also a Go application that lives in src/markdown-tools/app, that loads up the core of the Go codebase (markdown-tools.go) and executes a request against a markdown file.

Running locally

To run it locally you'll need to have the following installed:

  1. Node.js (I've…