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Blogging despite fear of Twitter Cool Guys using 1) lists and 2) GIFs

Aaron Ransley on July 16, 2019

I wish it was easier to come up with something to write about! I have a blog over at that I'm trying to get off the ground, b...
tfnico profile image
Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen

Haha, I feel this! I'm down to one blog post a year now on average. Wanting to recover, but it seems everyone else out there is doing something different, and I get no reactions on what little I do write.

Your gif game is on point btw, I think 😁

richstoneio profile image
Rich Steinmetz

haha, nice one!

btw, your site is beautiful!

I've made the best experience and had the most success with my blogs (even if it's just some modest success) when I had a clear why and a clear topic to write about. "Choose your niche", they say.

From there, write down 50 topics you'd write about.

Choose one of the topics, make your research. People writing about? That's actually good and means that the topic is in demand. Get a unique or slightly different perspective and go write that thing. Consistently.

aaronransley profile image
Aaron Ransley

Beautiful advice, thank you so much Richard!

abhishekcghosh profile image
Abhishek Ghosh

Damn! You are speaking my mind here!