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Discussion on: What do you look for in a course/tutorial?

aaronsm46722627 profile image
Aaron Smith

As an educator myself, I think the most important thing is to be building projects. Simple to complex. But not just the how but explaining why you are making the programming choices you make. It may not be as relevant as it sounds relatively application heavy in your case but showing the possibilities of applications or ideas that extend beyond the project is important. Another thing you should be thinking about is how to get your audience to recall what you’re telling them, how do you check for understanding and also do you want to be testing for application of that understanding.

tomstreeter profile image
Tom Streeter

Where a lot of courses go wrong in the project approach is failing to describe the hypothetical problem in enough detail. Real-world problems are messy. They involve trade-offs. It’s seldom about finding the best solution, but determining which of the least-bad solutions is the most resilient and can be mitigated humanely. One learns through poking at something to see how it breaks, but most scenarios are set up as straight line exercises. Do this, then that, then done!

Oh. One more; No blogs or to-dos. Just don’t

aaronsm46722627 profile image
Aaron Smith

I couldn't agree more. My use of best solution is probably poor, and what you suggest is probably the better way to frame it. You want something workable, that is built upon breaking.

There isn't enough in how to think through a problem, describing in as much detail. What is known, what is something we don't know about or need to explore if it is possible. Does that way make sense ? General approaches are far more instructive than a check list of how to do something.

Sometimes we only learn whether something works until you start building which is hard to get across.

Blogs and to-do lists are just boring, the world is full of these.

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momandalex022 profile image
Christine Marshall

yes as a student i can definitely say that is the most important skill i have learned it to grapple with a problem over and over and google it and keep working on it until i have figured it out. It teaches perseverance and that is exactly what is needed to code or do anything in the tech field. Building projects is definitely the most important and to give enough information to get there but leave just a little out so the struggle is there to learn,

fayaz profile image
Fayaz Ahmed

Wow, that's really helpful. Thanks

aaronsm46722627 profile image
Aaron Smith • Edited

Another thing to consider is if the code allows for multiple ways to do a thing, going through each situation and explaining why you recommend one way over another helps demystify the idea there is one way to do something, but also exposes students of your course that programming is about choices and forethought.