DEV Community

Muhammad Abdullah
Muhammad Abdullah

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Running Apache AGE Driver Tests: A Step-by-Step Guide

Here are simplified steps to follow in order to test Apache AGE drivers using GitHub Workflows:

  • Fork the Apache AGE repository to your GitHub account. This creates a copy of the repository under your account.
  • Make any desired changes to the code and push them to a separate branch in your forked repository. This branch will contain the changes you want to test.
  • Navigate to the .github/workflows folder in your forked repository. This folder contains YAML files that control the GitHub Workflows.

Edit the .yml files in the .github/workflows folder. Each file typically includes the following code snippet:

 branches: ["master", "PG11"]
 branches: ["master", "PG11"]
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  • Remove the line that mentions "PG11" from both the push and pull_request sections. This modification ensures that the workflows run for all branches, not just the "master" and "PG11" branches.
  • Submit a pull request from your branch to the master branch of your forked repository. This allows the original Apache AGE repository to review and merge your changes.
  • Once the pull request is created, you can run all the tests by visiting the "Checks" tab in your GitHub repository. The workflows will be triggered automatically, and you can monitor the progress and results of the tests from there.

By following these steps, you can streamline the testing process for Apache AGE drivers using GitHub Workflows, making it easier to ensure that your code changes do not introduce errors.

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