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Discussion on: Streaming files from AWS S3 using NodeJS Stream API with Typescript

about14sheep profile image
about14sheep • Edited

For your first question, the Range parameter isn't a calculation. So the (-) hyphen there can be read as, 'grab a range of bytes starting at byte 65(up too)128'. So it wouldn't be negative.

Your second questions is really good. This is where the simplicity of NodeJS Readable Stream API comes in. When this stream is in the data flowing mode, it will call the _read() method whenever there is room in the buffer (and the stream is not paused). So you don't need to write in a loop, the super class Readable handles all this for you!

Hope this helps! If you have any other questions please let me know!

arpitkumar profile image

How can we handle seeking of the video?

        onContextMenu={(e) => e.preventDefault()}
        <source src={`/api/videos?videoId=${id}`} type="video/mp4" />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I have created a simple video element but I am not able to seek video. Is there anything we have to do in S3DownloadStream class to make it work?

I am using Next.js for UI.


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about14sheep profile image

That would need to be handled on the frontend. Once the S3DownloadStream grabs a range, it just pushes it through to the output. Seeking would be handled by the video player