DEV Community

Discussion on: Typing and code flow in TypeScript and ReasonML

actionshrimp profile image
Dave Aitken

Great post!

Must admit I was maybe expecting slightly more detail in how Reason / OCaml's rules help avoids these shortcomings - felt like the end came abruptly just as I was getting into it.

Great writeup overall though - very informative about the shortcomings of TypeScript for someone coming from the Reason side having not played around with TypeScript enough. People have said that TypeScript is unsound and now I understand a bit more as to why. Thanks!

yawaramin profile image
Yawar Amin

Thanks! :-) I think you're right, I could probably have written a bit more about specifically Reason/OCaml type system that prevents lots of implicit errors from happening like they would in JS/TS. I'll try to come up with something for a future post.