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Discussion on: Update #1 - didi - docs, website and more!

adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Thank you Alex, yes tracking in issues has been enormously helpful, I can divide my thoughts and put everything upfront in the public eye.

I saw VuePress, it also looks good, I am a bit agnostic about the frameworks but I figure that React would be a good place for a wide range of developers to help out with Docusaurus, even if Vue is a little easier. The main reason was that the Typedoc markdown plugin had the support for Docusaurus 2 which meant that I could get all the routing generated without having to do any further haccking.

There is a new challenge to fix now, Docusaurus 2 does not anticipate generated markdown - it expects the author to write everything and make it styleable. So styling the API Reference will require some either via typedoc plugins to add classes, or remark plugins on the docusaurus side, Then there is the theme for didi which will likely be like deno but with more green. As soon as I push this up I will raise a further issue.

I really appreciate you can see the potential and the offer of support, your most welcome to help!

chiubaca profile image
Alex Chiu • Edited

Yeah makes sense! it funny how sub parts of the project can stem a whole new set of problems that need to be resolved, the fun never ends! 😅

I think the ESM landscape is fascinating right, feels like there is loads of innovation happening. May I suggest you add a section like "Motivations for creating Didi" in your project Readme? I think this is a good way to explain why one would use this and how it resolves current pain points of using ESM.

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adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Hit the nail on the head with that.

The motivations are missing, because I need to boil down several of my posts that lead to this point (100% want to add this section ASAP). What do you enjoy about ESM the most?

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chiubaca profile image
Alex Chiu

I'm not really using ESM as much as I would like to be. But what they promise is why i want to use them more.

  • potentially no js bundling required
  • its a standard
  • finally a common module system for both node/deno & the browser!
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adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

About the same as me. I will have to do a why didi is a thing post in a short format.