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Adam Crockett 🌀 • Edited

Didn't want this to be all about me but here are my best potential libraries and Frameworks, both WIP.

GitHub logo adam-cyclones / didi

Convert a project from common JS to ESmodules, with included bundler-like / task runner behaviour.

didi the dino is a pterodactyl logo


A transpiler for JavaScript and Typescript, transforming CommonJS modules into distinct ES Modules

Who uses didi?

Frontend and deno developers will find didi useful.

Try it out.

didi is not ready for production however you can still take didi for a spin!

npm install -g @didi-js/client-didi-cli

# or

yarn global add @didi-js/client-didi-cli

Create a project an entry file, some installed node_modules and then require the browser dependency into your entry file using the base specifier.

const colorThief = require('colorThief'); // base specifier example, no paths needed

run didi path/to/example-project

The result should have output a new target directory within this example-project and also a server should have started on http://localhost:8086. You may see some console errors in the browser, this is normal for this stage.

You may also notice that your import looks like this:

import colorThief from "color-thief"; // still no path?

GitHub logo adam-cyclones / reactive-css-properties

Set css custom properties and react to changes in realtime from JavaScript

Reactive css logo

Reactive CSS Properties

A tiny library to supercharge your styling workflow. With Reactive CSS Properties (re.css) you can set css custom properties and react to changes in realtime from JavaScript

Website - Report a bug - Supported frameworks

Table of contents

The case for re.css

You can think of modern JavaScript having two main responsibilities, updating business logic and updating styling, The trouble with the latter is that this adds extra overhead and new problems to overcome, re.css sets out that it is css's responsibility to update styling and JavaScript should…