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Discussion on: Watch for Vuex State changes!

adamb_11 profile image
Adam Beguelin

Great post, thanks for taking the time to write it.

I'm trying to watch a Vuex user object and then do a Vuefire query when it gets populated.

I tried your suggestion but the watcher never fires. If I add the immediate flag, it will fire, but then the object I get doesn't seem to be the user object that I'm watching. Weird, right? (Not sure how to tell what object I'm getting, but it doesn't have any of the user fields like id or display name...)

I this example the watcher is called but the object doesn't seem to be the user, because there is no

Also, the Vuex watcher is never called, but when the beforeDestroy() is called I get an error:

[Vue warn]: Property or method "handles" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, by initializing the property.

I looked at the docs and I am declaring handles[] so I'm not sure why it's complaining.

Any suggestions on what to try here?

viniciuskneves profile image
Vinicius Kiatkoski Neves

Hey Adam, I'm glad that you liked it!

Let me try to help you from your gist.

You've a computed property called user which comes from your store, right? You don't watch computed properties ( The computed property will have a set/get methods that you can customize for our needs. So you know when it changes (set is called).

If you want to watch, you can still do watch the getters.user so whenever the user changes (I'm assuming that is what you want here) this watcher will be called. I've tried to copy from your example the code below and adapt it but please double check the calls.

this.unwatch = this.$
  (state, getters) => getters.user,
  (newUser, oldUser) => {
    this.$bind('handles', firebase.firestore().collection('handles'))

What is happening here is:

  • You watch getters.user so I assume you've some user state that gets committed and a getter that maps to this state
  • Whenever the getters.user changes (new entry/property - watch out for Vue.set in this case) the watcher is called (where you want to call firestore)

I hope it is what you want (as I don't know in details it gets a bit tricky to fully understand the example). Let me know if I helps or let me know if anything else is needed.

adamb_11 profile image
Adam Beguelin

Yes, you're correct. user is in the store and I'm trying to get data from Firestore when user changes. But this.$ never gets invoked. If I console.log it in mounted it's null. But when I console.log it in beforeUpdate it's set. Yet, this.$ is never called.

If I use the normal watcher on user it gets invoked, but the values don't seem to be there. I can log them and they are undefined. Perhaps this is because user is a Vuex computed property. I tried deep: true but then the (non-store) watcher is invoked twice, neither time with the data I need.

Any idea why the watcher isn't being called even through user is obviously changing?

Thanks for your help!

Thread Thread
viniciuskneves profile image
Vinicius Kiatkoski Neves

Hey Adam, to help our discussion I've created this Codesandbox:

Please check store.js and App.vue. I've tried to create a fetch logic (full user and just username). Please mind the comments and play with comment/uncomment the deep and immediate options.
Also mind the first warning here once you hit the Fetch new username button.