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What is Encryption?

Aditi Chaudhry on August 01, 2017

This article was first published on Medium. You can take a look at it here Lately, there’s been a lot of buzz about encryption. A lot of people ha...
fribentech profile image
Friben Tech

Your explanation was very straight to the point and I was in tuned the whole writing. Great article and keep the great writing!

aditichaudhry92 profile image
Aditi Chaudhry

Thank you so much!

mkerndt profile image
Madison Kerndt

Great explanation of encryption for those new to the topic!

I also found "The Code Book" to be an interesting read. It includes descriptions of how different types of ciphers work and the evolution of cryptography itself, starting with the Ceasar cipher and explaining significant developments in cryptography up to Quantum proof ciphers.

Did you know that Turing was not the first person to crack ciphertext created by the enigma machine?

Here is a link to the book if anyone is interested:

socialismevil profile image

Super intro.

It's called "Kerckhoff’s principle".

"Kerchoff" established laws for the zero-sum effect of values and direction of voltages and currents in a perfect electrical circuit.

aditichaudhry92 profile image
Aditi Chaudhry

Thank you! I fixed it =)

blakebarnes00 profile image
Blake Barnes

That was a great explanation!

danieljsummers profile image
Daniel J. Summers

Nice analogy to the $1k buried under a tree; I hadn't seen that before, but it's a very clear analogy. :)